pcre2grep.1   pcre2grep.1 
skipping to change at line 290 skipping to change at line 290
selected if any of the fixed strings are found in it (subject to -w or -x, if selected if any of the fixed strings are found in it (subject to -w or -x, if
present). This option applies only to the patterns that ar e matched against the con‐ present). This option applies only to the patterns that ar e matched against the con‐
tents of files; it does not apply to patterns specifie d by any of the --include or tents of files; it does not apply to patterns specifie d by any of the --include or
--exclude options. --exclude options.
-f filename, --file=filename -f filename, --file=filename
Read patterns from the file, one per line. As is the case with patterns on the command Read patterns from the file, one per line. As is the case with patterns on the command
line, no delimiters should be used. What constitutes a new line when reading the file line, no delimiters should be used. What constitutes a new line when reading the file
is the operating system's default interpretation of \n. The --newline option has no is the operating system's default interpretation of \n. The --newline option has no
effect on this option. Trailing white space is removed fro m each line, and blank lines effect on this option. Trailing white space is removed fro m each line, and blank lines
are ignored. An empty file contains no patterns and theref are ignored unless the --posix-pattern-file option is also
ore matches nothing. Pat‐ provided. An empty file
terns read from a file in this way may contain binary zer contains no patterns and therefore matches nothing. Patte
os, which are treated as or‐ rns read from a file in this
dinary data characters. way may contain binary zeros, which are treated as ordinar
y character literals.
If this option is given more than once, all the specified files are read. A data line If this option is given more than once, all the specified files are read. A data line
is output if any of the patterns match it. A file name can be given as "-" to refer to is output if any of the patterns match it. A file name can be given as "-" to refer to
the standard input. When -f is used, patterns specified on the command line using -e the standard input. When -f is used, patterns specified on the command line using -e
may also be present; they are matched before the file's pa tterns. However, no pattern may also be present; they are matched before the file's pa tterns. However, no pattern
is taken from the command line; all arguments are treated as the names of paths to be is taken from the command line; all arguments are treated as the names of paths to be
searched. searched.
--file-list=filename --file-list=filename
Read a list of files and/or directories that are to be sca nned from the given file, Read a list of files and/or directories that are to be sca nned from the given file,
skipping to change at line 557 skipping to change at line 557
this mode, --colour has no effect, and no context is shown . That is, the -A, -B, and this mode, --colour has no effect, and no context is shown . That is, the -A, -B, and
-C options are ignored. The --newline option has no eff ect on this option, which is -C options are ignored. The --newline option has no eff ect on this option, which is
mutually exclusive with --only-matching, --file-offsets, a nd --line-offsets. However, mutually exclusive with --only-matching, --file-offsets, a nd --line-offsets. However,
like --only-matching, if there is more than one match in a line, each of them causes a like --only-matching, if there is more than one match in a line, each of them causes a
line of output. line of output.
Escape sequences starting with a dollar character may be used to insert the contents Escape sequences starting with a dollar character may be used to insert the contents
of the matched part of the line and/or captured substrings into the text. of the matched part of the line and/or captured substrings into the text.
$<digits> or ${<digits>} is replaced by the captured subst ring of the given decimal $<digits> or ${<digits>} is replaced by the captured subst ring of the given decimal
number; zero substitutes the whole match. If the number i number; $& (or the legacy $0) substitutes the whole mat
s greater than the number of ch. If the number is greater
capturing substrings, or if the capture is unset, the repl than the number of capturing substrings, or if the capture
acement is empty. is unset, the replacement
is empty.
$a is replaced by bell; $b by backspace; $e by escape; $f by form feed; $n by newline; $a is replaced by bell; $b by backspace; $e by escape; $f by form feed; $n by newline;
$r by carriage return; $t by tab; $v by vertical tab. $r by carriage return; $t by tab; $v by vertical tab.
$o<digits> or $o{<digits>} is replaced by the character wh $o<digits> or $o{<digits>} is replaced by the character w
ose code point is the given hose code point is the given
octal number. In the first form, up to three octal digi octal number. In the first form, up to three octal digits
ts are processed. When more are processed. When more
digits are needed in Unicode mode to specify a wide charac ter, the second form must be digits are needed in Unicode mode to specify a wide charac ter, the second form must be
used. used.
$x<digits> or $x{<digits>} is replaced by the character re presented by the given hexa‐ $x<digits> or $x{<digits>} is replaced by the character re presented by the given hexa‐
decimal number. In the first form, up to two hexadecimal d decimal number. In the first form, up to two hexadecima
igits are processed. When l digits are processed. When
more digits are needed in Unicode mode to specify a wid more digits are needed in Unicode mode to specify a wide c
e character, the second form haracter, the second form
must be used. must be used.
Any other character is substituted by itself. In particula r, $$ is replaced by a sin‐ Any other character is substituted by itself. In particul ar, $$ is replaced by a sin‐
gle dollar. gle dollar.
-o, --only-matching -o, --only-matching
Show only the part of the line that matched a pattern i Show only the part of the line that matched a pattern inst
nstead of the whole line. In ead of the whole line. In
this mode, no context is shown. That is, the -A, -B, and - this mode, no context is shown. That is, the -A, -B, an
C options are ignored. If d -C options are ignored. If
there is more than one match in a line, each of them is there is more than one match in a line, each of them is sh
shown separately, on a sepa‐ own separately, on a sepa‐
rate line of output. If -o is combined with -v (invert the rate line of output. If -o is combined with -v (invert th
sense of the match to find e sense of the match to find
non-matching lines), no output is generated, but the retur n code is set appropriately. non-matching lines), no output is generated, but the retur n code is set appropriately.
If the matched portion of the line is empty, nothing is ou tput unless the file name or If the matched portion of the line is empty, nothing is ou tput unless the file name or
line number are being printed, in which case they are line number are being printed, in which case they are sho
shown on an otherwise empty wn on an otherwise empty
line. This option is mutually exclusive with --output, --f line. This option is mutually exclusive with --output, --
ile-offsets and --line-off‐ file-offsets and --line-off‐
sets. sets.
-onumber, --only-matching=number -onumber, --only-matching=number
Show only the part of the line that matched the captur Show only the part of the line that matched the capturing
ing parentheses of the given parentheses of the given
number. Up to 50 capturing parentheses are supported by de number. Up to 50 capturing parentheses are supported b
fault. This limit can be y default. This limit can be
changed via the --om-capture option. A pattern may con changed via the --om-capture option. A pattern may contain
tain any number of capturing any number of capturing
parentheses, but only those whose number is within the lim it can be accessed by -o. An parentheses, but only those whose number is within the lim it can be accessed by -o. An
error occurs if the number specified by -o is greater than the limit. error occurs if the number specified by -o is greater than the limit.
-o0 is the same as -o without a number. Because these opti -o0 is the same as -o without a number. Because these opt
ons can be given without an ions can be given without an
argument (see above), if an argument is present, it mus argument (see above), if an argument is present, it must b
t be given in the same shell e given in the same shell
item, for example, -o3 or --only-matching=2. The comments item, for example, -o3 or --only-matching=2. The comment
given for the non-argument s given for the non-argument
case above also apply to this option. If the specified case above also apply to this option. If the specified cap
capturing parentheses do not turing parentheses do not
exist in the pattern, or were not set in the match, nothin exist in the pattern, or were not set in the match, nothi
g is output unless the file ng is output unless the file
name or line number are being output. name or line number are being output.
If this option is given multiple times, multiple substring s are output for each match, If this option is given multiple times, multiple substring s are output for each match,
in the order the options are given, and all on one li in the order the options are given, and all on one line.
ne. For example, -o3 -o1 -o3 For example, -o3 -o1 -o3
causes the substrings matched by capturing parentheses 3 a causes the substrings matched by capturing parentheses 3
nd 1 and then 3 again to be and 1 and then 3 again to be
output. By default, there is no separator (but see the nex t but one option). output. By default, there is no separator (but see the nex t but one option).
--om-capture=number --om-capture=number
Set the number of capturing parentheses that can be access ed by -o. The default is 50. Set the number of capturing parentheses that can be access ed by -o. The default is 50.
--om-separator=text --om-separator=text
Specify a separating string for multiple occurrences of -o. The default is an empty Specify a separating string for multiple occurrences of -o . The default is an empty
string. Separating strings are never coloured. string. Separating strings are never coloured.
-P, --no-ucp -P, --no-ucp
Starting from release 10.43, when UTF/Unicode mode is spec Starting from release 10.43, when UTF/Unicode mode is
ified with -u or -U, the specified with -u or -U, the
PCRE2_UCP option is used by default. This means that t PCRE2_UCP option is used by default. This means that the
he POSIX classes in patterns POSIX classes in patterns
match more than just ASCII characters. For example, [:digi t:] matches any Unicode dec‐ match more than just ASCII characters. For example, [:digi t:] matches any Unicode dec‐
imal digit. The --no-ucp option suppresses PCRE2_UCP, t imal digit. The --no-ucp option suppresses PCRE2_UCP
hus restricting the POSIX , thus restricting the POSIX
classes to ASCII characters, as was the case in earlier r classes to ASCII characters, as was the case in earlier re
eleases. Note that there are leases. Note that there are
now more fine-grained option settings within patterns that now more fine-grained option settings within patterns tha
affect individual classes. t affect individual classes.
For example, when in UCP mode, the sequence (?aP) restrict s [:word:] to ASCII letters, For example, when in UCP mode, the sequence (?aP) restrict s [:word:] to ASCII letters,
while allowing \w to match Unicode letters and digits. while allowing \w to match Unicode letters and digits.
When patterns are provided with the -f option, do not trim
trailing spaces or ignore
empty lines in a similar way than other grep tools. To k
eep the behaviour consistent
with older versions, if the pattern read was terminated wi
th CRLF (as character liter‐
als) then both characters won't be included as part of it,
so if you really need to
have pattern ending in '\r', use a escape sequence
or provide it by a different
-q, --quiet -q, --quiet
Work quietly, that is, display nothing except error mes sages. The exit status indi‐ Work quietly, that is, display nothing except error messag es. The exit status indi‐
cates whether or not any matches were found. cates whether or not any matches were found.
-r, --recursive -r, --recursive
If any given path is a directory, recursively scan the fil If any given path is a directory, recursively scan the fi
es it contains, taking note les it contains, taking note
of any --include and --exclude settings. By default, a d of any --include and --exclude settings. By default, a dir
irectory is read as a normal ectory is read as a normal
file; in some operating systems this gives an immediate en file; in some operating systems this gives an immediate e
d-of-file. This option is a nd-of-file. This option is a
shorthand for setting the -d option to "recurse". shorthand for setting the -d option to "recurse".
--recursion-limit=number --recursion-limit=number
This is an obsolete synonym for --depth-limit. See --match -limit above for details. This is an obsolete synonym for --depth-limit. See --match -limit above for details.
-s, --no-messages -s, --no-messages
Suppress error messages about non-existent or unreadable f iles. Such files are quietly Suppress error messages about non-existent or unreadable f iles. Such files are quietly
skipped. However, the return code is still 2, even if matches were found in other skipped. However, the return code is still 2, even if mat ches were found in other
files. files.
-t, --total-count -t, --total-count
This option is useful when scanning more than one file. If This option is useful when scanning more than one file.
used on its own, -t sup‐ If used on its own, -t sup‐
presses all output except for a grand total number of mat presses all output except for a grand total number of matc
ching lines (or non-matching hing lines (or non-matching
lines if -v is used) in all the files. If -t is used with lines if -v is used) in all the files. If -t is used with
-c, a grand total is output -c, a grand total is output
except when the previous output is just one line. In o except when the previous output is just one line. In other
ther words, it is not output words, it is not output
when just one file's count is listed. If file names are be when just one file's count is listed. If file names are b
ing output, the grand total eing output, the grand total
is preceded by "TOTAL:". Otherwise, it appears as just a is preceded by "TOTAL:". Otherwise, it appears as just ano
nother number. The -t option ther number. The -t option
is ignored when used with -L (list files without matches), is ignored when used with -L (list files without match
because the grand total es), because the grand total
would always be zero. would always be zero.
-u, --utf Operate in UTF/Unicode mode. This option is available onl -u, --utf Operate in UTF/Unicode mode. This option is available only
y if PCRE2 has been compiled if PCRE2 has been compiled
with UTF-8 support. All patterns (including those for any with UTF-8 support. All patterns (including those for any
--exclude and --include op‐ --exclude and --include op‐
tions) and all lines that are scanned must be valid string s of UTF-8 characters. If an tions) and all lines that are scanned must be valid string s of UTF-8 characters. If an
invalid UTF-8 string is encountered, an error occurs. invalid UTF-8 string is encountered, an error occurs.
-U, --utf-allow-invalid -U, --utf-allow-invalid
As --utf, but in addition subject lines may contain invali d UTF-8 code unit sequences. As --utf, but in addition subject lines may contain invali d UTF-8 code unit sequences.
These can never form part of any pattern match. Patter These can never form part of any pattern match. Patterns
ns themselves, however, must themselves, however, must
still be valid UTF-8 strings. This facility allows valid U still be valid UTF-8 strings. This facility allows vali
TF-8 strings to be sought d UTF-8 strings to be sought
within arbitrary byte sequences in executable or other bi within arbitrary byte sequences in executable or other bin
nary files. For more details ary files. For more details
about matching in non-valid UTF-8 strings, see the pcre2un icode(3) documentation. about matching in non-valid UTF-8 strings, see the pcre2un icode(3) documentation.
-V, --version -V, --version
Write the version numbers of pcre2grep and the PCRE2 libra ry to the standard output Write the version numbers of pcre2grep and the PCRE2 li brary to the standard output
and then exit. Anything else on the command line is ignore d. and then exit. Anything else on the command line is ignore d.
-v, --invert-match -v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of the match, so that lines which do n Invert the sense of the match, so that lines which do not
ot match any of the patterns match any of the patterns
are the ones that are found. When this option is set, opti are the ones that are found. When this option is set, opt
ons such as --only-matching ions such as --only-matching
and --output, which specify parts of a match that are to b e output, are ignored. and --output, which specify parts of a match that are to b e output, are ignored.
-w, --word-regex, --word-regexp -w, --word-regex, --word-regexp
Force the patterns only to match "words". That is, ther Force the patterns only to match "words". That is, there m
e must be a word boundary at ust be a word boundary at
the start and end of each matched string. This is equivale the start and end of each matched string. This is equival
nt to having "\b(?:" at the ent to having "\b(?:" at the
start of each pattern, and ")\b" at the end. This option start of each pattern, and ")\b" at the end. This option a
applies only to the patterns pplies only to the patterns
that are matched against the contents of files; it does no that are matched against the contents of files; it does
t apply to patterns speci‐ not apply to patterns speci‐
fied by any of the --include or --exclude options. fied by any of the --include or --exclude options.
-x, --line-regex, --line-regexp -x, --line-regex, --line-regexp
Force the patterns to start matching only at the beginning s of lines, and in addition, Force the patterns to start matching only at the beginning s of lines, and in addition,
require them to match entire lines. In multiline mode th e match may be more than one require them to match entire lines. In multiline mode the match may be more than one
line. This is equivalent to having "^(?:" at the start of each pattern and ")$" at the line. This is equivalent to having "^(?:" at the start of each pattern and ")$" at the
end. This option applies only to the patterns that are mat ched against the contents of end. This option applies only to the patterns that are mat ched against the contents of
files; it does not apply to patterns specified by any of t he --include or --exclude files; it does not apply to patterns specified by any o f the --include or --exclude
options. options.
-Z, --null -Z, --null
Terminate files names in the regular output with a zero Terminate files names in the regular output with a zero by
byte (the NUL character) in‐ te (the NUL character) in‐
stead of what would normally appear. This is useful when f stead of what would normally appear. This is useful whe
ile names contain unusual n file names contain unusual
characters such as colons, hyphens, or even newlines. characters such as colons, hyphens, or even newlines. The
The option does not apply to option does not apply to
file names in error messages. file names in error messages.
The environment variables LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE are examined, in that The environment variables LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE are examined, in t
order, for a locale. The hat order, for a locale. The
first one that is set is used. This can be overridden by the --lo first one that is set is used. This can be overridden by the --local
cale option. If no locale is e option. If no locale is
set, the PCRE2 library's default (usually the "C" locale) is used. set, the PCRE2 library's default (usually the "C" locale) is used.
The -N (--newline) option allows pcre2grep to scan files with newlin The -N (--newline) option allows pcre2grep to scan files with new
e conventions that differ line conventions that differ
from the default. This option affects only the way scanned files ar from the default. This option affects only the way scanned files are
e processed. It does not af‐ processed. It does not af‐
fect the interpretation of files specified by the -f, --file-list, - -exclude-from, or --include- fect the interpretation of files specified by the -f, --file-list, - -exclude-from, or --include-
from options. from options.
Any parts of the scanned input files that are written to the standar Any parts of the scanned input files that are written to the sta
d output are copied with ndard output are copied with
whatever newline sequences they have in the input. However, if the whatever newline sequences they have in the input. However, if the f
final line of a file is out‐ inal line of a file is out‐
put, and it does not end with a newline sequence, a newline sequence put, and it does not end with a newline sequence, a newline seque
is added. If the newline nce is added. If the newline
setting is CR, LF, CRLF or NUL, that line ending is output; for th setting is CR, LF, CRLF or NUL, that line ending is output; for the
e other settings (ANYCRLF or other settings (ANYCRLF or
ANY) a single NL is used. ANY) a single NL is used.
The newline setting does not affect the way in which pcre2grep write s newlines in informational The newline setting does not affect the way in which pcre2grep writ es newlines in informational
messages to the standard output and error streams. Under Windows, t he standard output is set to messages to the standard output and error streams. Under Windows, t he standard output is set to
be binary, so that "\r\n" at the ends of output lines that are copie d from the input is not con‐ be binary, so that "\r\n" at the ends of output lines that are copie d from the input is not con‐
verted to "\r\r\n" by the C I/O library. This means that any mess verted to "\r\r\n" by the C I/O library. This means that any message
ages written to the standard s written to the standard
output must end with "\r\n". For all other operating systems, and fo output must end with "\r\n". For all other operating systems, and f
r all messages to the stan‐ or all messages to the stan‐
dard error stream, "\n" is used. dard error stream, "\n" is used.
Many of the short and long forms of pcre2grep's options are the same as in the GNU grep program. Many of the short and long forms of pcre2grep's options are the same as in the GNU grep program.
Any long option of the form --xxx-regexp (GNU terminology) is a Any long option of the form --xxx-regexp (GNU terminology) is also
lso available as --xxx-regex available as --xxx-regex
(PCRE2 terminology). However, the --case-restrict, --depth-limit, - (PCRE2 terminology). However, the --case-restrict, --depth-limit,
E, --file-list, --file-off‐ -E, --file-list, --file-off‐
sets, --heap-limit, --include-dir, --line-offsets, --locale, --match -limit, -M, --multiline, -N, sets, --heap-limit, --include-dir, --line-offsets, --locale, --match -limit, -M, --multiline, -N,
--newline, --no-ucp, --om-separator, --output, -P, -u, --utf, -U, --newline, --no-ucp, --om-separator, --output, -P, -u, --utf, -U, a
and --utf-allow-invalid op‐ nd --utf-allow-invalid op‐
tions are specific to pcre2grep, as is the use of the --only-matchin tions are specific to pcre2grep, as is the use of the --only-matc
g option with a capturing hing option with a capturing
parentheses number. parentheses number.
Although most of the common options work the same way, a few are dif ferent in pcre2grep. For ex‐ Although most of the common options work the same way, a few are dif ferent in pcre2grep. For ex‐
ample, the --include option's argument is a glob for GNU grep, but ample, the --include option's argument is a glob for GNU grep, but i
in pcre2grep it is a regular n pcre2grep it is a regular
expression to which the -i option applies. If both the -c and -l opt expression to which the -i option applies. If both the -c and -l
ions are given, GNU grep options are given, GNU grep
lists only file names, without counts, but pcre2grep gives the count s as well. lists only file names, without counts, but pcre2grep gives the count s as well.
There are four different ways in which an option with data can be There are four different ways in which an option with data can be sp
specified. If a short form ecified. If a short form
option is used, the data may follow immediately, or (with one except option is used, the data may follow immediately, or (with one ex
ion) in the next command ception) in the next command
line item. For example: line item. For example:
-f/some/file -f/some/file
-f /some/file -f /some/file
The exception is the -o option, which may appear with or without dat a. Because of this, if data The exception is the -o option, which may appear with or without dat a. Because of this, if data
is present, it must follow immediately in the same item, for example -o3. is present, it must follow immediately in the same item, for example -o3.
If a long form option is used, the data may appear in the same com If a long form option is used, the data may appear in the same comma
mand line item, separated by nd line item, separated by
an equals character, or (with two exceptions) it may appear in the n an equals character, or (with two exceptions) it may appear in the
ext command line item. For next command line item. For
example: example:
--file=/some/file --file=/some/file
--file /some/file --file /some/file
Note, however, that if you want to supply a file name beginning wi Note, however, that if you want to supply a file name beginning with
th ~ as data in a shell com‐ ~ as data in a shell com‐
mand, and have the shell expand ~ to a home directory, you must sepa mand, and have the shell expand ~ to a home directory, you must sep
rate the file name from the arate the file name from the
option, because the shell does not treat ~ specially unless it is at the start of an item. option, because the shell does not treat ~ specially unless it is at the start of an item.
The exceptions to the above are the --colour (or --color) and --only -matching options, for which The exceptions to the above are the --colour (or --color) and --only -matching options, for which
the data is optional. If one of these options does have data, i t must be given in the first the data is optional. If one of these options does have data, it mus t be given in the first
form, using an equals character. Otherwise pcre2grep will assume tha t it has no data. form, using an equals character. Otherwise pcre2grep will assume tha t it has no data.
pcre2grep has, by default, support for calling external programs or pcre2grep has, by default, support for calling external programs or
scripts or echoing specific scripts or echoing specific
strings during matching by making use of PCRE2's callout facility. strings during matching by making use of PCRE2's callout facility. H
However, this support can be owever, this support can be
completely or partially disabled when pcre2grep is built. You can fi completely or partially disabled when pcre2grep is built. You can
nd out whether your binary find out whether your binary
has support for callouts by running it with the --help option. If c has support for callouts by running it with the --help option. If ca
allout support is completely llout support is completely
disabled, all callouts in patterns are ignored by pcre2grep. If the disabled, callouts in patterns are forbidden by pcre2grep. If th
facility is partially dis‐ e facility is partially dis‐
abled, calling external programs is not supported, and callouts that request it are ignored. abled, calling external programs is not supported, and callouts that request it are ignored.
A callout in a PCRE2 pattern is of the form (?C<arg>) where the argu ment is either a number or a A callout in a PCRE2 pattern is of the form (?C<arg>) where the argu ment is either a number or a
quoted string (see the pcre2callout documentation for details). Numb ered callouts are ignored by quoted string (see the pcre2callout documentation for details). Numb ered callouts are ignored by
pcre2grep; only callouts with string arguments are useful. pcre2grep; only callouts with string arguments are useful.
Echoing a specific string Echoing a specific string
Starting the callout string with a pipe character invokes an echoin Starting the callout string with a pipe character invokes an echoing
g facility that avoids call‐ facility that avoids call‐
ing an external program or script. This facility is always availabl ing an external program or script. This facility is always avail
e, provided that callouts able, provided that callouts
were not completely disabled when pcre2grep was built. The r were not completely disabled when pcre2grep was built. The rest
est of the callout string is of the callout string is
processed as a zero-terminated string, which means it should not con tain any internal binary ze‐ processed as a zero-terminated string, which means it should not con tain any internal binary ze‐
ros. It is written to the output, having first been passed through t he same escape processing as ros. It is written to the output, having first been passed through t he same escape processing as
text from the --output (-O) option (see above). However, $0 cannot b text from the --output (-O) option (see above). However, $0 or $
e used to insert a matched & cannot be used to insert a
substring because the match is still in progress. Instead, the singl matched substring because the match is still in progress. Instead, t
e character '0' is inserted. he single character '0' is
Any syntax errors in the string (for example, a dollar not followed inserted. Any syntax errors in the string (for example, a dollar n
by another character) causes ot followed by another char‐
the callout to be ignored. No terminator is added to the output s acter) causes the callout to be ignored. No terminator is added to t
tring, so if you want a new‐ he output string, so if you
line, you must include it explicitly using the escape $n. For exampl want a newline, you must include it explicitly using the escape $n.
e: For example:
pcre2grep '(.)(..(.))(?C"|[$1] [$2] [$3]$n")' <some file> pcre2grep '(.)(..(.))(?C"|[$1] [$2] [$3]$n")' <some file>
Matching continues normally after the string is output. If you want to see only the callout out‐ Matching continues normally after the string is output. If you want to see only the callout out‐
put but not any output from an actual match, you should end the patt ern with (*FAIL). put but not any output from an actual match, you should end the patt ern with (*FAIL).
Calling external programs or scripts Calling external programs or scripts
This facility can be independently disabled when pcre2grep is built. This facility can be independently disabled when pcre2grep is bui
It is supported for Win‐ lt. It is supported for Win‐
dows, where a call to _spawnvp() is used, for VMS, where lib$spawn( dows, where a call to _spawnvp() is used, for VMS, where lib$spawn()
) is used, and for any Unix- is used, and for any Unix-
like environment where fork() and execv() are available. like environment where fork() and execv() are available.
If the callout string does not start with a pipe (vertical bar) char acter, it is parsed into a If the callout string does not start with a pipe (vertical bar) ch aracter, it is parsed into a
list of substrings separated by pipe characters. The first substring must be an executable name, list of substrings separated by pipe characters. The first substring must be an executable name,
with the following substrings specifying arguments: with the following substrings specifying arguments:
executable_name|arg1|arg2|... executable_name|arg1|arg2|...
Any substring (including the executable name) may contain escape s Any substring (including the executable name) may contain escape seq
equences started by a dollar uences started by a dollar
character. These are the same as for the --output (-O) option docume character. These are the same as for the --output (-O) option docu
nted above, except that $0 mented above, except that $0
cannot insert the matched string because the match is still in prog or $& cannot insert the matched string because the match is still
ress. Instead, the character in progress. Instead, the
'0' is inserted. If you need a literal dollar or pipe character in a character substring, use $$ or $| respectively. Here is an example:
ny substring, use $$ or $|
respectively. Here is an example:
echo -e "abcde\n12345" | pcre2grep \ echo -e "abcde\n12345" | pcre2grep \
'(?x)(.)(..(.)) '(?x)(.)(..(.))
(?C"/bin/echo|Arg1: [$1] [$2] [$3]|Arg2: $|${1}$| ($4)")()' - (?C"/bin/echo|Arg1: [$1] [$2] [$3]|Arg2: $|${1}$| ($4)")()' -
Output: Output:
Arg1: [a] [bcd] [d] Arg2: |a| () Arg1: [a] [bcd] [d] Arg2: |a| ()
abcde abcde
Arg1: [1] [234] [4] Arg2: |1| () Arg1: [1] [234] [4] Arg2: |1| ()
skipping to change at line 863 skipping to change at line 871
pcre2pattern(3), pcre2syntax(3), pcre2callout(3), pcre2unicode(3). pcre2pattern(3), pcre2syntax(3), pcre2callout(3), pcre2unicode(3).
Philip Hazel Philip Hazel
Retired from University Computing Service Retired from University Computing Service
Cambridge, England. Cambridge, England.
Last updated: 22 December 2023 Last updated: 09 October 2024
Copyright (c) 1997-2023 University of Cambridge. Copyright (c) 1997-2023 University of Cambridge.
PCRE2 10.43 22 December 2023 PCRE2GREP(1) PCRE2 10.45-RC1 09 October 2024 PCRE2GREP(1)
 End of changes. 46 change blocks. 
201 lines changed or deleted 214 lines changed or added

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