pcre2posix.3   pcre2posix.3 
skipping to change at line 123 skipping to change at line 123
The PCRE2_LITERAL option is set when the regular expression is passe d for compilation to the na‐ The PCRE2_LITERAL option is set when the regular expression is passe d for compilation to the na‐
tive function. This disables all meta characters in the pattern, c ausing it to be treated as a tive function. This disables all meta characters in the pattern, c ausing it to be treated as a
literal string. The only other options that are allowed with REG_NOS PEC are REG_ICASE, REG_NO‐ literal string. The only other options that are allowed with REG_NOS PEC are REG_ICASE, REG_NO‐
SUB, REG_PEND, and REG_UTF. Note that REG_NOSPEC is not part of the POSIX standard. SUB, REG_PEND, and REG_UTF. Note that REG_NOSPEC is not part of the POSIX standard.
When a pattern that is compiled with this flag is passed to pcre2 _regexec() for matching, the When a pattern that is compiled with this flag is passed to pcre2 _regexec() for matching, the
nmatch and pmatch arguments are ignored, and no captured strings are returned. Versions of the nmatch and pmatch arguments are ignored, and no captured strings are returned. Versions of the
PCRE library prior to 10.22 used to set the PCRE2_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE compile option, but this no PCRE2 library prior to 10.22 used to set the PCRE2_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE compile option, but this no
longer happens because it disables the use of backreferences. longer happens because it disables the use of backreferences.
If this option is set, the reg_endp field in the preg structure (whi ch has the type const char If this option is set, the reg_endp field in the preg structure (whi ch has the type const char
*) must be set to point to the character beyond the end of the patte rn before calling pcre2_reg‐ *) must be set to point to the character beyond the end of the patte rn before calling pcre2_reg‐
comp(). The pattern itself may now contain binary zeros, which are treated as data characters. comp(). The pattern itself may now contain binary zeros, which are treated as data characters.
Without REG_PEND, a binary zero terminates the pattern and the re_en dp field is ignored. This is Without REG_PEND, a binary zero terminates the pattern and the re_en dp field is ignored. This is
a GNU extension to the POSIX standard and should be used with cautio n in software intended to be a GNU extension to the POSIX standard and should be used with cautio n in software intended to be
portable to other systems. portable to other systems.
skipping to change at line 286 skipping to change at line 286
as a compiled expression. as a compiled expression.
Philip Hazel Philip Hazel
Retired from University Computing Service Retired from University Computing Service
Cambridge, England. Cambridge, England.
Last updated: 19 January 2024 Last updated: 27 November 2024
Copyright (c) 1997-2024 University of Cambridge. Copyright (c) 1997-2024 University of Cambridge.
PCRE2 10.43 19 January 2024 PCRE2POSIX(3) PCRE2 10.45-RC1 27 November 2024 PCRE2POSIX(3)
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

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