pcre2api.3   pcre2api.3 
skipping to change at line 101 skipping to change at line 101
int pcre2_set_newline(pcre2_compile_context *ccontext, int pcre2_set_newline(pcre2_compile_context *ccontext,
uint32_t value); uint32_t value);
int pcre2_set_parens_nest_limit(pcre2_compile_context *ccontext, int pcre2_set_parens_nest_limit(pcre2_compile_context *ccontext,
uint32_t value); uint32_t value);
int pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard(pcre2_compile_context *ccontex t, int pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard(pcre2_compile_context *ccontex t,
int (*guard_function)(uint32_t, void *), void *user_data); int (*guard_function)(uint32_t, void *), void *user_data);
int pcre2_set_optimize(pcre2_compile_context *ccontext,
uint32_t directive);
pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_create( pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_create(
pcre2_general_context *gcontext); pcre2_general_context *gcontext);
pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_copy( pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_copy(
pcre2_match_context *mcontext); pcre2_match_context *mcontext);
void pcre2_match_context_free(pcre2_match_context *mcontext); void pcre2_match_context_free(pcre2_match_context *mcontext);
int pcre2_set_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
int (*callout_function)(pcre2_callout_block *, void *), int (*callout_function)(pcre2_callout_block *, void *),
void *callout_data); void *callout_data);
int pcre2_set_substitute_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_substitute_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
int (*callout_function)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *), int (*callout_function)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *),
void *callout_data); void *callout_data);
int pcre2_set_substitute_case_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
PCRE2_SIZE (*callout_function)(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE,
int, void *),
void *callout_data);
int pcre2_set_offset_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_offset_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
PCRE2_SIZE value); PCRE2_SIZE value);
int pcre2_set_heap_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_heap_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
uint32_t value); uint32_t value);
int pcre2_set_match_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_match_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
uint32_t value); uint32_t value);
int pcre2_set_depth_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_depth_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
skipping to change at line 586 skipping to change at line 595
A compile context is required if you want to provide an external fu nction for stack checking A compile context is required if you want to provide an external fu nction for stack checking
during compilation or to change the default values of any of the fo llowing compile-time parame‐ during compilation or to change the default values of any of the fo llowing compile-time parame‐
ters: ters:
What \R matches (Unicode newlines or CR, LF, CRLF only) What \R matches (Unicode newlines or CR, LF, CRLF only)
PCRE2's character tables PCRE2's character tables
The newline character sequence The newline character sequence
The compile time nested parentheses limit The compile time nested parentheses limit
The maximum length of the pattern string The maximum length of the pattern string
The extra options bits (none set by default) The extra options bits (none set by default)
Which performance optimizations the compiler should apply
A compile context is also required if you are using custom memory ma nagement. If none of these A compile context is also required if you are using custom memory ma nagement. If none of these
apply, just pass NULL as the context argument of pcre2_compile(). apply, just pass NULL as the context argument of pcre2_compile().
A compile context is created, copied, and freed by the following fun ctions: A compile context is created, copied, and freed by the following fun ctions:
pcre2_compile_context *pcre2_compile_context_create( pcre2_compile_context *pcre2_compile_context_create(
pcre2_general_context *gcontext); pcre2_general_context *gcontext);
pcre2_compile_context *pcre2_compile_context_copy( pcre2_compile_context *pcre2_compile_context_copy(
skipping to change at line 689 skipping to change at line 699
where running out of stack is to be avoided at all costs. The pa renthesis limit above cannot where running out of stack is to be avoided at all costs. The pa renthesis limit above cannot
take account of how much stack is actually available during compilat ion. For a finer control, take account of how much stack is actually available during compilat ion. For a finer control,
you can supply a function that is called whenever pcre2_compile() s tarts to compile a parenthe‐ you can supply a function that is called whenever pcre2_compile() s tarts to compile a parenthe‐
sized part of a pattern. This function can check the actual stack si ze (or anything else that it sized part of a pattern. This function can check the actual stack si ze (or anything else that it
wants to, of course). wants to, of course).
The first argument to the callout function gives the current depth o f nesting, and the second is The first argument to the callout function gives the current depth o f nesting, and the second is
user data that is set up by the last argument of pcre2_set_compile_r ecursion_guard(). The call‐ user data that is set up by the last argument of pcre2_set_compile_r ecursion_guard(). The call‐
out function should return zero if all is well, or non-zero to force an error. out function should return zero if all is well, or non-zero to force an error.
int pcre2_set_optimize(pcre2_compile_context *ccontext,
uint32_t directive);
PCRE2 can apply various performance optimizations during compilatio
n, in order to make matching
faster. For example, the compiler might convert some regex construct
s into an equivalent con‐
struct which pcre2_match() can execute faster. By default, all ava
ilable optimizations are en‐
abled. However, in rare cases, one might wish to disable specific op
timizations. For example, if
it is known that some optimizations cannot benefit a certain regex,
it might be desirable to
disable them, in order to speed up compilation.
The permitted values of directive are as follows:
Enable all optional performance optimizations. This is the default v
Disable all optional performance optimizations.
Enable/disable "auto-possessification" of variable quantifiers such
as * and +. This optimiza‐
tion, for example, turns a+b into a++b in order to avoid backtracks
into a+ that can never be
successful. However, if callouts are in use, auto-possessification
means that some callouts are
never taken. You can disable this optimization if you want the match
ing functions to do a full,
unoptimized search and run all the callouts.
Enable/disable an optimization that is applied when .* is the firs
t significant item in a top-
level branch of a pattern, and all the other branches also start wit
h .* or with \A or \G or ^.
Such a pattern is automatically anchored if PCRE2_DOTALL is
set for all the .* items and
PCRE2_MULTILINE is not set for any ^ items. Otherwise, the fact that
any match must start either
at the start of the subject or following a newline is remembered. Li
ke other optimizations, this
can cause callouts to be skipped.
Dotstar anchor optimization is automatically disabled for .* if it i
s inside an atomic group or
a capture group that is the subject of a backreference, or if the
pattern contains (*PRUNE) or
Enable/disable optimizations which cause matching functions to scan
the subject string for spe‐
cific code unit values before attempting a match. For example, if it
is known that an unanchored
match must start with a specific value, the matching code searches
the subject for that value,
and fails immediately if it cannot find it, without actually running
the main matching function.
This means that a special item such as (*COMMIT) at the start of a p
attern is not considered un‐
til after a suitable starting point for the match has been found.
Also, when callouts or
(*MARK) items are in use, these "start-up" optimizations can cau
se them to be skipped if the
pattern is never actually used. The start-up optimizations are in ef
fect a pre-scan of the sub‐
ject that takes place before the pattern is run.
Disabling start-up optimizations ensures that in cases where the res
ult is "no match", the call‐
outs do occur, and that items such as (*COMMIT) and (*MARK) are
considered at every possible
starting position in the subject string.
Disabling start-up optimizations may change the outcome of a matchin
g operation. Consider the
When this is compiled, PCRE2 records the fact that a match must s
tart with the character "A".
Suppose the subject string is "DEFABC". The start-up optimization sc
ans along the subject, finds
"A" and runs the first match attempt from there. The (*COMMIT) item
means that the pattern must
match the current starting position, which in this case, it does. H
owever, if the same match is
run without start-up optimizations, the initial scan along the subje
ct string does not happen.
The first match attempt is run starting from "D" and when this f
ails, (*COMMIT) prevents any
further matches being tried, so the overall result is "no match".
Another start-up optimization makes use of a minimum length for a m
atching subject, which is
recorded when possible. Consider the pattern
The minimum length for a match is two characters. If the subject is
"XXBB", the "starting char‐
acter" optimization skips "XX", then tries to match "BB", which is l
ong enough. In the process,
(*MARK:2) is encountered and remembered. When the match attempt f
ails, the next "B" is found,
but there is only one character left, so there are no more attempts,
and "no match" is returned
with the "last mark seen" set to "2". Without start-up optimizations
, however, matches are tried
at every possible starting position, including at the end of the sub
ject, where (*MARK:1) is en‐
countered, but there is no "B", so the "last mark seen" that is re
turned is "1". In this case,
the optimizations do not affect the overall match result, which is s
till "no match", but they do
affect the auxiliary information that is returned.
The match context The match context
A match context is required if you want to: A match context is required if you want to:
Set up a callout function Set up a callout function
Set an offset limit for matching an unanchored pattern Set an offset limit for matching an unanchored pattern
Change the limit on the amount of heap used when matching Change the limit on the amount of heap used when matching
Change the backtracking match limit Change the backtracking match limit
Change the backtracking depth limit Change the backtracking depth limit
Set custom memory management specifically for the match Set custom memory management specifically for the match
If none of these apply, just pass NULL as the context argument of pcre2_match(), If none of these apply, just pass NULL as the context ar gument of pcre2_match(),
pcre2_dfa_match(), or pcre2_jit_match(). pcre2_dfa_match(), or pcre2_jit_match().
A match context is created, copied, and freed by the following funct ions: A match context is created, copied, and freed by the following funct ions:
pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_create( pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_create(
pcre2_general_context *gcontext); pcre2_general_context *gcontext);
pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_copy( pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context_copy(
pcre2_match_context *mcontext); pcre2_match_context *mcontext);
void pcre2_match_context_free(pcre2_match_context *mcontext); void pcre2_match_context_free(pcre2_match_context *mcontext);
A match context is created with default values for its parameters. T hese can be changed by call‐ A match context is created with default values for its parameters. T hese can be changed by call‐
ing the following functions, which return 0 on success, or PCRE2_ERR OR_BADDATA if invalid data ing the following functions, which return 0 on success, or PCRE2_E RROR_BADDATA if invalid data
is detected. is detected.
int pcre2_set_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
int (*callout_function)(pcre2_callout_block *, void *), int (*callout_function)(pcre2_callout_block *, void *),
void *callout_data); void *callout_data);
This sets up a callout function for PCRE2 to call at specified poi nts during a matching opera‐ This sets up a callout function for PCRE2 to call at specified point s during a matching opera‐
tion. Details are given in the pcre2callout documentation. tion. Details are given in the pcre2callout documentation.
int pcre2_set_substitute_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_substitute_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
int (*callout_function)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *), int (*callout_function)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *),
void *callout_data); void *callout_data);
This sets up a callout function for PCRE2 to call after each substit ution made by pcre2_substi‐ This sets up a callout function for PCRE2 to call after each substi tution made by pcre2_substi‐
tute(). Details are given in the section entitled "Creating a new st ring with substitutions" be‐ tute(). Details are given in the section entitled "Creating a new st ring with substitutions" be‐
low. low.
int pcre2_set_substitute_case_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
PCRE2_SIZE (*callout_function)(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE,
int, void *),
void *callout_data);
This sets up a callout function for PCRE2 to call when performing c
ase transformations inside
pcre2_substitute(). Details are given in the section entitled "Cre
ating a new string with sub‐
stitutions" below.
int pcre2_set_offset_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_offset_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
PCRE2_SIZE value); PCRE2_SIZE value);
The offset_limit parameter limits how far an unanchored searc The offset_limit parameter limits how far an unanchored search ca
h can advance in the subject n advance in the subject
string. The default value is PCRE2_UNSET. The pcre2_match() and pcre string. The default value is PCRE2_UNSET. The pcre2_match() and pcr
2_dfa_match() functions re‐ e2_dfa_match() functions re‐
turn PCRE2_ERROR_NOMATCH if a match with a starting point before o turn PCRE2_ERROR_NOMATCH if a match with a starting point before or
r at the given offset is not at the given offset is not
found. The pcre2_substitute() function makes no more substitutions. found. The pcre2_substitute() function makes no more substitutions.
For example, if the pattern /abc/ is matched against "123abc" with a For example, if the pattern /abc/ is matched against "123abc" with
n offset limit less than 3, an offset limit less than 3,
the result is PCRE2_ERROR_NOMATCH. A match can never be found if the result is PCRE2_ERROR_NOMATCH. A match can never be found if th
the startoffset argument of e startoffset argument of
pcre2_match(), pcre2_dfa_match(), or pcre2_substitute() is greater t pcre2_match(), pcre2_dfa_match(), or pcre2_substitute() is greater
han the offset limit set in than the offset limit set in
the match context. the match context.
When using this facility, you must set the PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT op tion when calling pcre2_com‐ When using this facility, you must set the PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT op tion when calling pcre2_com‐
pile() so that when JIT is in use, different code can be compiled. If a match is started with a pile() so that when JIT is in use, different code can be compiled. I f a match is started with a
non-default match limit when PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT is not set, an e rror is generated. non-default match limit when PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT is not set, an e rror is generated.
The offset limit facility can be used to track progress when searchi ng large subject strings or The offset limit facility can be used to track progress when search ing large subject strings or
to limit the extent of global substitutions. See also the PCRE2_FIRS TLINE option, which requires to limit the extent of global substitutions. See also the PCRE2_FIRS TLINE option, which requires
a match to start before or at the first newline that follows the s a match to start before or at the first newline that follows the sta
tart of matching in the sub‐ rt of matching in the sub‐
ject. If this is set with an offset limit, a match must occur in the ject. If this is set with an offset limit, a match must occur in th
first line and also within e first line and also within
the offset limit. In other words, whichever limit comes first is use d. the offset limit. In other words, whichever limit comes first is use d.
int pcre2_set_heap_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_heap_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
uint32_t value); uint32_t value);
The heap_limit parameter specifies, in units of kibibytes (1024 b The heap_limit parameter specifies, in units of kibibytes (1024 byte
ytes), the maximum amount of s), the maximum amount of
heap memory that pcre2_match() may use to hold backtracking informat heap memory that pcre2_match() may use to hold backtracking inform
ion when running an inter‐ ation when running an inter‐
pretive match. This limit also applies to pcre2_dfa_match(), whic pretive match. This limit also applies to pcre2_dfa_match(), which m
h may use the heap when pro‐ ay use the heap when pro‐
cessing patterns with a lot of nested pattern recursion or lookaroun cessing patterns with a lot of nested pattern recursion or lookar
ds or atomic groups. This ounds or atomic groups. This
limit does not apply to matching with the JIT optimization, whic limit does not apply to matching with the JIT optimization, which ha
h has its own memory control s its own memory control
arrangements (see the pcre2jit documentation for more details). If t arrangements (see the pcre2jit documentation for more details).
he limit is reached, the If the limit is reached, the
negative error code PCRE2_ERROR_HEAPLIMIT is returned. The default negative error code PCRE2_ERROR_HEAPLIMIT is returned. The default l
limit can be set when PCRE2 imit can be set when PCRE2
is built; if it is not, the default is set very large and is essenti ally unlimited. is built; if it is not, the default is set very large and is essenti ally unlimited.
A value for the heap limit may also be supplied by an item at the st art of a pattern of the form A value for the heap limit may also be supplied by an item at the st art of a pattern of the form
where ddd is a decimal number. However, such a setting is ignored un less ddd is less than the where ddd is a decimal number. However, such a setting is ignored unless ddd is less than the
limit set by the caller of pcre2_match() or, if no such limit is set , less than the default. limit set by the caller of pcre2_match() or, if no such limit is set , less than the default.
The pcre2_match() function always needs some heap memory, so settin The pcre2_match() function always needs some heap memory, so setting
g a value of zero guarantees a value of zero guarantees
a "heap limit exceeded" error. Details of how pcre2_match() uses th a "heap limit exceeded" error. Details of how pcre2_match() us
e heap are given in the es the heap are given in the
pcre2perform documentation. pcre2perform documentation.
For pcre2_dfa_match(), a vector on the system stack is used when pr For pcre2_dfa_match(), a vector on the system stack is used when pro
ocessing pattern recursions, cessing pattern recursions,
lookarounds, or atomic groups, and only if this is not big enough is lookarounds, or atomic groups, and only if this is not big enough
heap memory used. In this is heap memory used. In this
case, setting a value of zero disables the use of the heap. case, setting a value of zero disables the use of the heap.
int pcre2_set_match_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_match_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
uint32_t value); uint32_t value);
The match_limit parameter provides a means of preventing PCRE2 from using up too many computing The match_limit parameter provides a means of preventing PCRE2 from using up too many computing
resources when processing patterns that are not going to match, but which have a very large num‐ resources when processing patterns that are not going to match, but which have a very large num‐
ber of possibilities in their search trees. The classic example is a pattern that uses nested ber of possibilities in their search trees. The classic example i s a pattern that uses nested
unlimited repeats. unlimited repeats.
There is an internal counter in pcre2_match() that is incremen There is an internal counter in pcre2_match() that is incremented
ted each time round its main each time round its main
matching loop. If this value reaches the match limit, pcre2_match() matching loop. If this value reaches the match limit, pcre2_match(
returns the negative value ) returns the negative value
PCRE2_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT. This has the effect of limiting the amount o f backtracking that can take PCRE2_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT. This has the effect of limiting the amount o f backtracking that can take
place. For patterns that are not anchored, the count restarts from z ero for each position in the place. For patterns that are not anchored, the count restarts from z ero for each position in the
subject string. This limit also applies to pcre2_dfa_match(), thou gh the counting is done in a subject string. This limit also applies to pcre2_dfa_match(), though the counting is done in a
different way. different way.
When pcre2_match() is called with a pattern that was successfully p rocessed by pcre2_jit_com‐ When pcre2_match() is called with a pattern that was successfully processed by pcre2_jit_com‐
pile(), the way in which matching is executed is entirely different. However, there is still the pile(), the way in which matching is executed is entirely different. However, there is still the
possibility of runaway matching that goes on for a very long time, and so the match_limit value possibility of runaway matching that goes on for a very long time, a nd so the match_limit value
is also used in this case (but in a different way) to limit how long the matching can continue. is also used in this case (but in a different way) to limit how long the matching can continue.
The default value for the limit can be set when PCRE2 is built; the default is 10 million, which The default value for the limit can be set when PCRE2 is built; the default is 10 million, which
handles all but the most extreme cases. A value for the match limit may also be supplied by an handles all but the most extreme cases. A value for the match limi t may also be supplied by an
item at the start of a pattern of the form item at the start of a pattern of the form
where ddd is a decimal number. However, such a setting is ignored where ddd is a decimal number. However, such a setting is ignored un
unless ddd is less than the less ddd is less than the
limit set by the caller of pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match() or, if limit set by the caller of pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match() or, i
no such limit is set, less f no such limit is set, less
than the default. than the default.
int pcre2_set_depth_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_depth_limit(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
uint32_t value); uint32_t value);
This parameter limits the depth of nested backtracking in pcre2_ This parameter limits the depth of nested backtracking in pcre2_matc
match(). Each time a nested h(). Each time a nested
backtracking point is passed, a new memory frame is used to remember backtracking point is passed, a new memory frame is used to remem
the state of matching at ber the state of matching at
that point. Thus, this parameter indirectly limits the amount of mem ory that is used in a match. that point. Thus, this parameter indirectly limits the amount of mem ory that is used in a match.
However, because the size of each memory frame depends on the numb However, because the size of each memory frame depends on the number
er of capturing parentheses, of capturing parentheses,
the actual memory limit varies from pattern to pattern. This limit w the actual memory limit varies from pattern to pattern. This limit
as more useful in versions was more useful in versions
before 10.30, where function recursion was used for backtracking. before 10.30, where function recursion was used for backtracking.
The depth limit is not relevant, and is ignored, when matching is d one using JIT compiled code. The depth limit is not relevant, and is ignored, when matching is do ne using JIT compiled code.
However, it is supported by pcre2_dfa_match(), which uses it to limi t the depth of nested inter‐ However, it is supported by pcre2_dfa_match(), which uses it to limi t the depth of nested inter‐
nal recursive function calls that implement atomic groups, lookaroun d assertions, and pattern nal recursive function calls that implement atomic groups, lookar ound assertions, and pattern
recursions. This limits, indirectly, the amount of system stack that is used. It was more useful recursions. This limits, indirectly, the amount of system stack that is used. It was more useful
in versions before 10.32, when stack memory was used for local wor in versions before 10.32, when stack memory was used for local works
kspace vectors for recursive pace vectors for recursive
function calls. From version 10.32, only local variables are allocat function calls. From version 10.32, only local variables are alloca
ed on the stack and as each ted on the stack and as each
call uses only a few hundred bytes, even a small stack can support q uite a lot of recursion. call uses only a few hundred bytes, even a small stack can support q uite a lot of recursion.
If the depth of internal recursive function calls is great enough, If the depth of internal recursive function calls is great enough, l
local workspace vectors are ocal workspace vectors are
allocated on the heap from version 10.32 onwards, so the depth limit allocated on the heap from version 10.32 onwards, so the depth limi
also indirectly limits the t also indirectly limits the
amount of heap memory that is used. A recursive pattern such as /( amount of heap memory that is used. A recursive pattern such as /(.(
.(?2))((?1)|)/, when matched ?2))((?1)|)/, when matched
to a very long string using pcre2_dfa_match(), can use a great deal to a very long string using pcre2_dfa_match(), can use a great de
of memory. However, it is al of memory. However, it is
probably better to limit heap usage directly by calling pcre2_set_he ap_limit(). probably better to limit heap usage directly by calling pcre2_set_he ap_limit().
The default value for the depth limit can be set when PCRE2 is buil The default value for the depth limit can be set when PCRE2 is built
t; if it is not, the default ; if it is not, the default
is set to the same value as the default for the match limit. I is set to the same value as the default for the match limit
f the limit is exceeded, . If the limit is exceeded,
pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match() returns PCRE2_ERROR_DEPTHLIMIT. pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match() returns PCRE2_ERROR_DEPTHLIMIT. A
A value for the depth limit value for the depth limit
may also be supplied by an item at the start of a pattern of the for m may also be supplied by an item at the start of a pattern of the for m
where ddd is a decimal number. However, such a setting is ignored un where ddd is a decimal number. However, such a setting is ignored
less ddd is less than the unless ddd is less than the
limit set by the caller of pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match() or, i limit set by the caller of pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match() or, if
f no such limit is set, less no such limit is set, less
than the default. than the default.
int pcre2_config(uint32_t what, void *where); int pcre2_config(uint32_t what, void *where);
The function pcre2_config() makes it possible for a PCRE2 client to The function pcre2_config() makes it possible for a PCRE2 client
find the value of certain to find the value of certain
configuration parameters and to discover which optional features configuration parameters and to discover which optional features hav
have been compiled into the e been compiled into the
PCRE2 library. The pcre2build documentation has more details about t hese features. PCRE2 library. The pcre2build documentation has more details about t hese features.
The first argument for pcre2_config() specifies which information is The first argument for pcre2_config() specifies which information i
required. The second argu‐ s required. The second argu‐
ment is a pointer to memory into which the information is placed. ment is a pointer to memory into which the information is placed. If
If NULL is passed, the func‐ NULL is passed, the func‐
tion returns the amount of memory that is needed for the requested i tion returns the amount of memory that is needed for the requested
nformation. For calls that information. For calls that
return numerical values, the value is in bytes; when requesting thes e values, where should point return numerical values, the value is in bytes; when requesting thes e values, where should point
to appropriately aligned memory. For calls that return strings, the required length is given in to appropriately aligned memory. For calls that return strings, the required length is given in
code units, not counting the terminating zero. code units, not counting the terminating zero.
When requesting information, the returned value from pcre2_config() When requesting information, the returned value from pcre2_config()
is non-negative on success, is non-negative on success,
or the negative error code PCRE2_ERROR_BADOPTION if the value in th or the negative error code PCRE2_ERROR_BADOPTION if the value in the
e first argument is not rec‐ first argument is not rec‐
ognized. The following information is available: ognized. The following information is available:
The output is a uint32_t integer whose value indicates what characte r sequences the \R escape The output is a uint32_t integer whose value indicates what chara cter sequences the \R escape
sequence matches by default. A value of PCRE2_BSR_UNICODE means that \R matches any Unicode line sequence matches by default. A value of PCRE2_BSR_UNICODE means that \R matches any Unicode line
ending sequence; a value of PCRE2_BSR_ANYCRLF means that \R match es only CR, LF, or CRLF. The ending sequence; a value of PCRE2_BSR_ANYCRLF means that \R matches only CR, LF, or CRLF. The
default can be overridden when a pattern is compiled. default can be overridden when a pattern is compiled.
The output is a uint32_t integer whose lower bits indicate which cod e unit widths were selected The output is a uint32_t integer whose lower bits indicate which co de unit widths were selected
when PCRE2 was built. The 1-bit indicates 8-bit support, and the 2-b it and 4-bit indicate 16-bit when PCRE2 was built. The 1-bit indicates 8-bit support, and the 2-b it and 4-bit indicate 16-bit
and 32-bit support, respectively. and 32-bit support, respectively.
The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the default limit for th e depth of nested backtrack‐ The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the default limit for th e depth of nested backtrack‐
ing in pcre2_match() or the depth of nested recursions, looka rounds, and atomic groups in ing in pcre2_match() or the depth of nested recursions, lookaroun ds, and atomic groups in
pcre2_dfa_match(). Further details are given with pcre2_set_depth_li mit() above. pcre2_dfa_match(). Further details are given with pcre2_set_depth_li mit() above.
The output is a uint32_t integer that gives, in kibibytes, the defau The output is a uint32_t integer that gives, in kibibytes, the def
lt limit for the amount of ault limit for the amount of
heap memory used by pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match(). Furth heap memory used by pcre2_match() or pcre2_dfa_match(). Furthe
er details are given with r details are given with
pcre2_set_heap_limit() above. pcre2_set_heap_limit() above.
The output is a uint32_t integer that is set to one if support for j ust-in-time compiling is in‐ The output is a uint32_t integer that is set to one if support for j ust-in-time compiling is in‐
cluded in the library; otherwise it is set to zero. Note that having cluded in the library; otherwise it is set to zero. Note that havin
the support in the library g the support in the library
does not guarantee that JIT will be used for any given match. See th does not guarantee that JIT will be used for any given match, and ne
e pcre2jit documentation for ither does it guarantee that
more details. JIT will actually be able to function, because it may not be able to
allocate executable memory
in some environments. There is a special call to pcre2_jit_compile
() that can be used to check
this. See the pcre2jit documentation for more details.
The where argument should point to a buffer that is at least 48 The where argument should point to a buffer that is at least 48 cod
code units long. (The exact e units long. (The exact
length required can be found by calling pcre2_config() with where se length required can be found by calling pcre2_config() with where
t to NULL.) The buffer is set to NULL.) The buffer is
filled with a string that contains the name of the architecture f filled with a string that contains the name of the architecture for
or which the JIT compiler is which the JIT compiler is
configured, for example "x86 32bit (little endian + unaligned)". If configured, for example "x86 32bit (little endian + unaligned)".
JIT support is not avail‐ If JIT support is not avail‐
able, PCRE2_ERROR_BADOPTION is returned, otherwise the number of able, PCRE2_ERROR_BADOPTION is returned, otherwise the number of cod
code units used is returned. e units used is returned.
This is the length of the string, plus one unit for the terminating zero. This is the length of the string, plus one unit for the terminating zero.
The output is a uint32_t integer that contains the number of bytes u sed for internal linkage in The output is a uint32_t integer that contains the number of bytes used for internal linkage in
compiled regular expressions. When PCRE2 is configured, the value ca n be set to 2, 3, or 4, with compiled regular expressions. When PCRE2 is configured, the value ca n be set to 2, 3, or 4, with
the default being 2. This is the value that is returned by pcre2 _config(). However, when the the default being 2. This is the value that is returned by pcre2_co nfig(). However, when the
16-bit library is compiled, a value of 3 is rounded up to 4, and whe n the 32-bit library is com‐ 16-bit library is compiled, a value of 3 is rounded up to 4, and whe n the 32-bit library is com‐
piled, internal linkages always use 4 bytes, so the configured value is not relevant. piled, internal linkages always use 4 bytes, so the configured value is not relevant.
The default value of 2 for the 8-bit and 16-bit libraries is suffici ent for all but the most The default value of 2 for the 8-bit and 16-bit libraries is suf ficient for all but the most
massive patterns, since it allows the size of the compiled pattern t o be up to 65535 code units. massive patterns, since it allows the size of the compiled pattern t o be up to 65535 code units.
Larger values allow larger regular expressions to be compiled by tho se two libraries, but at the Larger values allow larger regular expressions to be compiled by tho se two libraries, but at the
expense of slower matching. expense of slower matching.
The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the default match limi t for pcre2_match(). Further The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the default match limit for pcre2_match(). Further
details are given with pcre2_set_match_limit() above. details are given with pcre2_set_match_limit() above.
The output is a uint32_t integer whose value specifies the default c haracter sequence that is The output is a uint32_t integer whose value specifies the defaul t character sequence that is
recognized as meaning "newline". The values are: recognized as meaning "newline". The values are:
PCRE2_NEWLINE_CR Carriage return (CR) PCRE2_NEWLINE_CR Carriage return (CR)
PCRE2_NEWLINE_CRLF Carriage return, linefeed (CRLF) PCRE2_NEWLINE_CRLF Carriage return, linefeed (CRLF)
PCRE2_NEWLINE_ANY Any Unicode line ending PCRE2_NEWLINE_ANY Any Unicode line ending
PCRE2_NEWLINE_NUL The NUL character (binary zero) PCRE2_NEWLINE_NUL The NUL character (binary zero)
The default should normally correspond to the standard sequence for your operating system. The default should normally correspond to the standard sequence for your operating system.
The output is a uint32_t integer that is set to one if the use of \C was permanently disabled The output is a uint32_t integer that is set to one if the use of \C was permanently disabled
when PCRE2 was built; otherwise it is set to zero. when PCRE2 was built; otherwise it is set to zero.
The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the maximum depth of nes The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the maximum depth of ne
ting of parentheses (of any sting of parentheses (of any
kind) in a pattern. This limit is imposed to cap the amount of syst kind) in a pattern. This limit is imposed to cap the amount of syste
em stack used when a pattern m stack used when a pattern
is compiled. It is specified when PCRE2 is built; the default is 250 is compiled. It is specified when PCRE2 is built; the default is 2
. This limit does not take 50. This limit does not take
into account the stack that may already be used by the calling ap into account the stack that may already be used by the calling appli
plication. For finer control cation. For finer control
over compilation stack usage, see pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard( ). over compilation stack usage, see pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard( ).
This parameter is obsolete and should not be used in new code. The o utput is a uint32_t integer This parameter is obsolete and should not be used in new code. The output is a uint32_t integer
that is always set to zero. that is always set to zero.
The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the length of PCRE2's ch aracter processing tables in The output is a uint32_t integer that gives the length of PCRE2's ch aracter processing tables in
bytes. For details of these tables see the section on locale support below. bytes. For details of these tables see the section on locale support below.
The where argument should point to a buffer that is at least 24 The where argument should point to a buffer that is at least 24 cod
code units long. (The exact e units long. (The exact
length required can be found by calling pcre2_config() with where se length required can be found by calling pcre2_config() with wher
t to NULL.) If PCRE2 has e set to NULL.) If PCRE2 has
been compiled without Unicode support, the buffer is filled wit been compiled without Unicode support, the buffer is filled with th
h the text "Unicode not sup‐ e text "Unicode not sup‐
ported". Otherwise, the Unicode version string (for example, "8.0.0" ) is inserted. The number of ported". Otherwise, the Unicode version string (for example, "8.0.0" ) is inserted. The number of
code units used is returned. This is the length of the string plus o ne unit for the terminating code units used is returned. This is the length of the string plus one unit for the terminating
zero. zero.
The output is a uint32_t integer that is set to one if Unicode sup port is available; otherwise The output is a uint32_t integer that is set to one if Unicode suppo rt is available; otherwise
it is set to zero. Unicode support implies UTF support. it is set to zero. Unicode support implies UTF support.
The where argument should point to a buffer that is at least 24 cod The where argument should point to a buffer that is at least 24
e units long. (The exact code units long. (The exact
length required can be found by calling pcre2_config() with where length required can be found by calling pcre2_config() with where se
set to NULL.) The buffer is t to NULL.) The buffer is
filled with the PCRE2 version string, zero-terminated. The number of filled with the PCRE2 version string, zero-terminated. The numb
code units used is re‐ er of code units used is re‐
turned. This is the length of the string plus one unit for the termi nating zero. turned. This is the length of the string plus one unit for the termi nating zero.
pcre2_code *pcre2_compile(PCRE2_SPTR pattern, PCRE2_SIZE length, pcre2_code *pcre2_compile(PCRE2_SPTR pattern, PCRE2_SIZE length,
uint32_t options, int *errorcode, PCRE2_SIZE *erroroffset, uint32_t options, int *errorcode, PCRE2_SIZE *erroroffset,
pcre2_compile_context *ccontext); pcre2_compile_context *ccontext);
void pcre2_code_free(pcre2_code *code); void pcre2_code_free(pcre2_code *code);
pcre2_code *pcre2_code_copy(const pcre2_code *code); pcre2_code *pcre2_code_copy(const pcre2_code *code);
pcre2_code *pcre2_code_copy_with_tables(const pcre2_code *code); pcre2_code *pcre2_code_copy_with_tables(const pcre2_code *code);
The pcre2_compile() function compiles a pattern into an internal f orm. The pattern is defined The pcre2_compile() function compiles a pattern into an internal for m. The pattern is defined
by a pointer to a string of code units and a length in code units. I f the pattern is zero-termi‐ by a pointer to a string of code units and a length in code units. I f the pattern is zero-termi‐
nated, the length can be specified as PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED. A NUL nated, the length can be specified as PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED. A
L pattern pointer with a NULL pattern pointer with a
length of zero is treated as an empty string (NULL with a non-zer length of zero is treated as an empty string (NULL with a non-zero l
o length causes an error re‐ ength causes an error re‐
turn). The function returns a pointer to a block of memory that cont turn). The function returns a pointer to a block of memory that c
ains the compiled pattern ontains the compiled pattern
and related data, or NULL if an error occurred. and related data, or NULL if an error occurred.
If the compile context argument ccontext is NULL, memory for the com piled pattern is obtained by If the compile context argument ccontext is NULL, memory for the com piled pattern is obtained by
calling malloc(). Otherwise, it is obtained from the same memory fu calling malloc(). Otherwise, it is obtained from the same memory fun
nction that was used for the ction that was used for the
compile context. The caller must free the memory by calling pcre2_c compile context. The caller must free the memory by calling pcr
ode_free() when it is no e2_code_free() when it is no
longer needed. If pcre2_code_free() is called with a NULL argum longer needed. If pcre2_code_free() is called with a NULL argument
ent, it returns immediately, , it returns immediately,
without doing anything. without doing anything.
The function pcre2_code_copy() makes a copy of the compiled code in The function pcre2_code_copy() makes a copy of the compiled code i
new memory, using the same n new memory, using the same
memory allocator as was used for the original. However, if the co memory allocator as was used for the original. However, if the code
de has been processed by the has been processed by the
JIT compiler (see below), the JIT information cannot be copied (beca JIT compiler (see below), the JIT information cannot be copied (b
use it is position-depen‐ ecause it is position-depen‐
dent). The new copy can initially be used only for non-JIT matching , though it can be passed to dent). The new copy can initially be used only for non-JIT matching , though it can be passed to
pcre2_jit_compile() if required. If pcre2_code_copy() is called with a NULL argument, it returns pcre2_jit_compile() if required. If pcre2_code_copy() is called with a NULL argument, it returns
The pcre2_code_copy() function provides a way for individual threads in a multithreaded applica‐ The pcre2_code_copy() function provides a way for individual threads in a multithreaded applica‐
tion to acquire a private copy of shared compiled code. However, it does not make a copy of the tion to acquire a private copy of shared compiled code. However, it does not make a copy of the
character tables used by the compiled pattern; the new pattern code points to the same tables as character tables used by the compiled pattern; the new pattern code points to the same tables as
the original code. (See "Locale Support" below for details of thes the original code. (See "Locale Support" below for details of these
e character tables.) In many character tables.) In many
applications the same tables are used throughout, so this behaviour applications the same tables are used throughout, so this behavio
is appropriate. Neverthe‐ ur is appropriate. Neverthe‐
less, there are occasions when a copy of a compiled pattern and the less, there are occasions when a copy of a compiled pattern and the
relevant tables are needed. relevant tables are needed.
The pcre2_code_copy_with_tables() provides this facility. Copies of The pcre2_code_copy_with_tables() provides this facility. Copies
both the code and the ta‐ of both the code and the ta‐
bles are made, with the new code pointing to the new tables. The bles are made, with the new code pointing to the new tables. The mem
memory for the new tables is ory for the new tables is
automatically freed when pcre2_code_free() is called for the new cop automatically freed when pcre2_code_free() is called for the new c
y of the compiled code. If opy of the compiled code. If
pcre2_code_copy_with_tables() is called with a NULL argument, it ret urns NULL. pcre2_code_copy_with_tables() is called with a NULL argument, it ret urns NULL.
NOTE: When one of the matching functions is called, pointers to NOTE: When one of the matching functions is called, pointers to the
the compiled pattern and the compiled pattern and the
subject string are set in the match data block so that they can be r subject string are set in the match data block so that they can be
eferenced by the substring referenced by the substring
extraction functions after a successful match. After running a mat extraction functions after a successful match. After running a matc
ch, you must not free a com‐ h, you must not free a com‐
piled pattern or a subject string until after all operations on the piled pattern or a subject string until after all operations on the
match data block have taken match data block have taken
place, unless, in the case of the subject string, you have used th place, unless, in the case of the subject string, you have used the
option, which is described in the section entitled "Option bits for pcre2_match()" below. option, which is described in the section entitled "Option bits for pcre2_match()" below.
The options argument for pcre2_compile() contains various bit settin gs that affect the compila‐ The options argument for pcre2_compile() contains various bit setti ngs that affect the compila‐
tion. It should be zero if none of them are required. The available options are described below. tion. It should be zero if none of them are required. The available options are described below.
Some of them (in particular, those that are compatible with Perl, Some of them (in particular, those that are compatible with Perl, bu
but some others as well) can t some others as well) can
also be set and unset from within the pattern (see the detailed desc also be set and unset from within the pattern (see the detailed des
ription in the pcre2pattern cription in the pcre2pattern
documentation). documentation).
For those options that can be different in different parts of the For those options that can be different in different parts of the pa
pattern, the contents of the ttern, the contents of the
options argument specifies their settings at the start of compil options argument specifies their settings at the start of comp
ation. The PCRE2_ANCHORED, ilation. The PCRE2_ANCHORED,
PCRE2_ENDANCHORED, and PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK options can be set at the PCRE2_ENDANCHORED, and PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK options can be set at the
time of matching as well as time of matching as well as
at compile time. at compile time.
Some additional options and less frequently required compile-time pa rameters (for example, the Some additional options and less frequently required compile-time parameters (for example, the
newline setting) can be provided in a compile context (as described above). newline setting) can be provided in a compile context (as described above).
If errorcode or erroroffset is NULL, pcre2_compile() returns NULL If errorcode or erroroffset is NULL, pcre2_compile() returns NULL i
immediately. Otherwise, the mmediately. Otherwise, the
variables to which these point are set to an error code and an offse variables to which these point are set to an error code and an o
t (number of code units) ffset (number of code units)
within the pattern, respectively, when pcre2_compile() returns NULL within the pattern, respectively, when pcre2_compile() returns NULL
because a compilation error because a compilation error
has occurred. has occurred.
There are nearly 100 positive error codes that pcre2_compile() may r There are over 100 positive error codes that pcre2_compile() may re
eturn if it finds an error turn if it finds an error in
in the pattern. There are also some negative error codes that are the pattern. There are also some negative error codes that are used
used for invalid UTF strings for invalid UTF strings when
when validity checking is in force. These are the same as g validity checking is in force. These are the same as give
iven by pcre2_match() and n by pcre2_match() and
pcre2_dfa_match(), and are described in the pcre2unicode documen tation. There is no separate pcre2_dfa_match(), and are described in the pcre2unicode documen tation. There is no separate
documentation for the positive error codes, because the textual erro r messages that are obtained documentation for the positive error codes, because the textual erro r messages that are obtained
by calling the pcre2_get_error_message() function (see "Obtaining a textual error message" be‐ by calling the pcre2_get_error_message() function (see "Obtaining a textual error message" be‐
low) should be self-explanatory. Macro names starting with PCRE2 _ERROR_ are defined for both low) should be self-explanatory. Macro names starting with PCRE2 _ERROR_ are defined for both
positive and negative error codes in pcre2.h. When compilation is su ccessful errorcode is set to positive and negative error codes in pcre2.h. When compilation is su ccessful errorcode is set to
a value that returns the message "no error" if passed to pcre2_get_e rror_message(). a value that returns the message "no error" if passed to pcre2_get_e rror_message().
The value returned in erroroffset is an indication of where in the p attern an error occurred. The value returned in erroroffset is an indication of where in the p attern an error occurred.
When there is no error, zero is returned. A non-zero value is not ne cessarily the furthest point When there is no error, zero is returned. A non-zero value is not ne cessarily the furthest point
in the pattern that was read. For example, after the error "lookb ehind assertion is not fixed in the pattern that was read. For example, after the error "lookb ehind assertion is not fixed
skipping to change at line 1132 skipping to change at line 1242
placement strings passed to pcre2_substitute(). placement strings passed to pcre2_substitute().
In multiline mode (when PCRE2_MULTILINE is set), the circumflex met acharacter matches at the In multiline mode (when PCRE2_MULTILINE is set), the circumflex met acharacter matches at the
start of the subject (unless PCRE2_NOTBOL is set), and also after an y internal newline. However, start of the subject (unless PCRE2_NOTBOL is set), and also after an y internal newline. However,
it does not match after a newline at the end of the subject, for com patibility with Perl. If you it does not match after a newline at the end of the subject, for com patibility with Perl. If you
want a multiline circumflex also to match after a terminati ng newline, you must set want a multiline circumflex also to match after a terminati ng newline, you must set
Alters the parsing of character classes to follow the extended sy
ntax described by Unicode
UTS#18. The PCRE2_ALT_EXTENDED_CLASS option has no impact on the be
haviour of the Perl-specific
"(?[...])" syntax for extended classes, but instead enables the alte
rnative syntax of extended
class behaviour inside ordinary "[...]" character classes. See th
e pcre2pattern documentation
for details of the character classes supported.
By default, for compatibility with Perl, the name in any verb sequen ce such as (*MARK:NAME) is By default, for compatibility with Perl, the name in any verb sequen ce such as (*MARK:NAME) is
any sequence of characters that does not include a closing parenthesis. The name is not any sequence of characters that does not include a closing parenthesis. The name is not
processed in any way, and it is not possible to include a closing pa renthesis in the name. How‐ processed in any way, and it is not possible to include a closing pa renthesis in the name. How‐
ever, if the PCRE2_ALT_VERBNAMES option is set, normal backslash p rocessing is applied to verb ever, if the PCRE2_ALT_VERBNAMES option is set, normal backslash p rocessing is applied to verb
names and only an unescaped closing parenthesis terminates the name. A closing parenthesis can names and only an unescaped closing parenthesis terminates the name. A closing parenthesis can
be included in a name either as \) or between \Q and \E. If the PCRE2_EXTENDED or PCRE2_EX‐ be included in a name either as \) or between \Q and \E. If the PCRE2_EXTENDED or PCRE2_EX‐
TENDED_MORE option is set with PCRE2_ALT_VERBNAMES, unescaped whi tespace in verb names is TENDED_MORE option is set with PCRE2_ALT_VERBNAMES, unescaped whi tespace in verb names is
skipped and #-comments are recognized, exactly as in the rest of the pattern. skipped and #-comments are recognized, exactly as in the rest of the pattern.
skipping to change at line 1155 skipping to change at line 1273
If this bit is set, pcre2_compile() automatically inserts callout items, all with number 255, If this bit is set, pcre2_compile() automatically inserts callout items, all with number 255,
before each pattern item, except immediately before or after an expl icit callout in the pattern. before each pattern item, except immediately before or after an expl icit callout in the pattern.
For discussion of the callout facility, see the pcre2callout documen tation. For discussion of the callout facility, see the pcre2callout documen tation.
If this bit is set, letters in the pattern match both upper and lowe r case letters in the sub‐ If this bit is set, letters in the pattern match both upper and lowe r case letters in the sub‐
ject. It is equivalent to Perl's /i option, and it can be changed wi thin a pattern by a (?i) op‐ ject. It is equivalent to Perl's /i option, and it can be changed wi thin a pattern by a (?i) op‐
tion setting. If either PCRE2_UTF or PCRE2_UCP is set, Unicode prope rties are used for all char‐ tion setting. If either PCRE2_UTF or PCRE2_UCP is set, Unicode prope rties are used for all char‐
acters with more than one other case, and for all characters whose code points are greater than acters with more than one other case, and for all characters whose code points are greater than
U+007F. Note that there are two ASCII characters, K and S, that, in U+007F.
addition to their lower case
ASCII equivalents, are case-equivalent with U+212A (Kelvin sign) and Note that there are two ASCII characters, K and S, that, in addition
U+017F (long S) respec‐ to their lower case ASCII
tively. If you do not want this case equivalence, you can supp equivalents, are case-equivalent with U+212A (Kelvin sign) and U+01
ress it by setting PCRE2_EX‐ 7F (long S) respectively. If
TRA_CASELESS_RESTRICT. you do not want this case equivalence, you can suppress it by setti
For lower valued characters with only one other case, a lookup table STRICT.
is used for speed. When
neither PCRE2_UTF nor PCRE2_UCP is set, a lookup table is used f One language family, Turkish and Azeri, has its own case-insensiti
or all code points less than vity rules, which can be se‐
256, and higher code points (available only in 16-bit or 32-bit mode lected by setting PCRE2_EXTRA_TURKISH_CASING. This alters the behavi
) are treated as not having our of the 'i', 'I', U+0130
(capital I with dot above), and U+0131 (small dotless i) characters.
For lower valued characters with only one other case, a lookup t
able is used for speed. When
neither PCRE2_UTF nor PCRE2_UCP is set, a lookup table is used for a
ll code points less than
256, and higher code points (available only in 16-bit or 32-bit mod
e) are treated as not having
another case. another case.
From release 10.45 PCRE2_CASELESS also affects what some of the lett
er-related Unicode property
escapes (\p and \P) match. The properties Lu (upper case letter), Ll
(lower case letter), and Lt
(title case letter) are all treated as LC (cased letter) when PCRE2_
CASELESS is set.
If this bit is set, a dollar metacharacter in the pattern matches on ly at the end of the subject If this bit is set, a dollar metacharacter in the pattern matches on ly at the end of the subject
string. Without this option, a dollar also matches immediately be fore a newline at the end of string. Without this option, a dollar also matches immediately be fore a newline at the end of
the string (but not before any other newlines). The PCRE2_DOLLAR_END ONLY option is ignored if the string (but not before any other newlines). The PCRE2_DOLLAR_END ONLY option is ignored if
PCRE2_MULTILINE is set. There is no equivalent to this option i n Perl, and no way to set it PCRE2_MULTILINE is set. There is no equivalent to this option i n Perl, and no way to set it
within a pattern. within a pattern.
skipping to change at line 1325 skipping to change at line 1453
ing point in the middle of a multi-code-unit character. This opti on may be useful in applica‐ ing point in the middle of a multi-code-unit character. This opti on may be useful in applica‐
tions that process patterns from external sources. Note that there i s also a build-time option tions that process patterns from external sources. Note that there i s also a build-time option
that permanently locks out the use of \C. that permanently locks out the use of \C.
This option locks out the use of Unicode properties for handling \B, \b, \D, \d, \S, \s, \W, \w, This option locks out the use of Unicode properties for handling \B, \b, \D, \d, \S, \s, \W, \w,
and some of the POSIX character classes, as described for the PCRE2_ UCP option below. In partic‐ and some of the POSIX character classes, as described for the PCRE2_ UCP option below. In partic‐
ular, it prevents the creator of the pattern from enabling this faci lity by starting the pattern ular, it prevents the creator of the pattern from enabling this faci lity by starting the pattern
with (*UCP). This option may be useful in applications that pr ocess patterns from external with (*UCP). This option may be useful in applications that pr ocess patterns from external
sources. The option combination PCRE_UCP and PCRE_NEVER_UCP causes a n error. sources. The option combination PCRE2_UCP and PCRE2_NEVER_UCP causes an error.
This option locks out interpretation of the pattern as UTF-8, UTF-16 , or UTF-32, depending on This option locks out interpretation of the pattern as UTF-8, UTF-16 , or UTF-32, depending on
which library is in use. In particular, it prevents the creator of t he pattern from switching to which library is in use. In particular, it prevents the creator of t he pattern from switching to
UTF interpretation by starting the pattern with (*UTF). This opti on may be useful in applica‐ UTF interpretation by starting the pattern with (*UTF). This opti on may be useful in applica‐
tions that process patterns from external sources. The combi nation of PCRE2_UTF and tions that process patterns from external sources. The combi nation of PCRE2_UTF and
PCRE2_NEVER_UTF causes an error. PCRE2_NEVER_UTF causes an error.
If this option is set, it disables the use of numbered capturing par entheses in the pattern. Any If this option is set, it disables the use of numbered capturing par entheses in the pattern. Any
opening parenthesis that is not followed by ? behaves as if it w ere followed by ?: but named opening parenthesis that is not followed by ? behaves as if it w ere followed by ?: but named
parentheses can still be used for capturing (and they acquire number s in the usual way). This is parentheses can still be used for capturing (and they acquire number s in the usual way). This is
the same as Perl's /n option. Note that, when this option is set, r eferences to capture groups the same as Perl's /n option. Note that, when this option is set, r eferences to capture groups
(backreferences or recursion/subroutine calls) may only refer to nam ed groups, though the refer‐ (backreferences or recursion/subroutine calls) may only refer to nam ed groups, though the refer‐
ence can be by name or by number. ence can be by name or by number.
If this option is set, it disables "auto-possessification", which If this (deprecated) option is set, it disables "auto-possessifica
is an optimization that, for tion", which is an optimiza‐
example, turns a+b into a++b in order to avoid backtracks into a+ th tion that, for example, turns a+b into a++b in order to avoid backtr
at can never be successful. acks into a+ that can never
However, if callouts are in use, auto-possessification means that so be successful. However, if callouts are in use, auto-possessificat
me callouts are never taken. ion means that some callouts
You can set this option if you want the matching functions to do a are never taken. You can set this option if you want the matching fu
full unoptimized search and nctions to do a full unopti‐
run all the callouts, but it is mainly provided for testing purposes mized search and run all the callouts, but it is mainly provided for
. testing purposes.
If a compile context is available, it is recommended to use pcre2_se
t_optimize() with the direc‐
tive PCRE2_AUTO_POSSESS_OFF rather than the compile option PCRE2_
PCRE2_NO_AUTO_POSSESS takes precedence over the pcre2_set_optimi
ze() optimization directives
If this option is set, it disables an optimization that is applied w If this (deprecated) option is set, it disables an optimization that
hen .* is the first signifi‐ is applied when .* is the
cant item in a top-level branch of a pattern, and all the other bran first significant item in a top-level branch of a pattern, and all t
ches also start with .* or he other branches also start
with \A or \G or ^. The optimization is automatically disabled for with .* or with \A or \G or ^. The optimization is automatically dis
.* if it is inside an atomic abled for .* if it is inside
group or a capture group that is the subject of a backreference, or an atomic group or a capture group that is the subject of a back
if the pattern contains reference, or if the pattern
(*PRUNE) or (*SKIP). When the optimization is not disabled, such a contains (*PRUNE) or (*SKIP). When the optimization is not disabled,
pattern is automatically an‐ such a pattern is automati‐
chored if PCRE2_DOTALL is set for all the .* items and PCRE2_MULTILI cally anchored if PCRE2_DOTALL is set for all the .* items and PCRE2
NE is not set for any ^ _MULTILINE is not set for
items. Otherwise, the fact that any match must start either at the any ^ items. Otherwise, the fact that any match must start either at
start of the subject or fol‐ the start of the subject or
lowing a newline is remembered. Like other optimizations, this can c following a newline is remembered. Like other optimizations, t
ause callouts to be skipped. his can cause callouts to be
skipped. (If a compile context is available, it is recommended to u
se pcre2_set_optimize() with
the directive PCRE2_DOTSTAR_ANCHOR_OFF instead.)
This is an option whose main effect is at matching time. It does not change what pcre2_compile() This is an option whose main effect is at matching time. It does not change what pcre2_compile()
generates, but it does affect the output of the JIT compiler. generates, but it does affect the output of the JIT compiler. Settin
g this option is equivalent
to calling pcre2_set_optimize() with the directive parameter set to
There are a number of optimizations that may occur at the start of a match, in order to speed up There are a number of optimizations that may occur at the start of a match, in order to speed up
the process. For example, if it is known that an unanchored match mu st start with a specific the process. For example, if it is known that an unanchored matc h must start with a specific
code unit value, the matching code searches the subject for that val ue, and fails immediately if code unit value, the matching code searches the subject for that val ue, and fails immediately if
it cannot find it, without actually running the main matching func it cannot find it, without actually running the main matching functi
tion. This means that a spe‐ on. The start-up optimiza‐
cial item such as (*COMMIT) at the start of a pattern is not conside tions are in effect a pre-scan of the subject that takes place befor
red until after a suitable e the pattern is run.
starting point for the match has been found. Also, when callouts
or (*MARK) items are in use,
these "start-up" optimizations can cause them to be skipped if the
pattern is never actually
used. The start-up optimizations are in effect a pre-scan of the sub
ject that takes place before
the pattern is run.
The PCRE2_NO_START_OPTIMIZE option disables the start-up optimizatio
ns, possibly causing perfor‐
mance to suffer, but ensuring that in cases where the result is "no
match", the callouts do oc‐
cur, and that items such as (*COMMIT) and (*MARK) are considered at
every possible starting po‐
sition in the subject string.
Setting PCRE2_NO_START_OPTIMIZE may change the outcome of a match
ing operation. Consider the
When this is compiled, PCRE2 records the fact that a match must star
t with the character "A".
Suppose the subject string is "DEFABC". The start-up optimization sc
ans along the subject, finds
"A" and runs the first match attempt from there. The (*COMMIT) item
means that the pattern must
match the current starting position, which in this case, it does. Ho
wever, if the same match is
run with PCRE2_NO_START_OPTIMIZE set, the initial scan along the sub
ject string does not happen.
The first match attempt is run starting from "D" and when this f
ails, (*COMMIT) prevents any
further matches being tried, so the overall result is "no match".
As another start-up optimization makes use of a minimum length for a Disabling the start-up optimizations may cause performance to suff
matching subject, which is er. However, this may be de‐
recorded when possible. Consider the pattern sirable for patterns which contain callouts or items such as (*COMM
IT) and (*MARK). See the
(*MARK:1)B(*MARK:2)(X|Y) above description of PCRE2_START_OPTIMIZE_OFF for further details.
The minimum length for a match is two characters. If the subject is
"XXBB", the "starting char‐
acter" optimization skips "XX", then tries to match "BB", which is l
ong enough. In the process,
(*MARK:2) is encountered and remembered. When the match attempt f
ails, the next "B" is found,
but there is only one character left, so there are no more attempts,
and "no match" is returned
with the "last mark seen" set to "2". If NO_START_OPTIMIZE is set, h
owever, matches are tried at
every possible starting position, including at the end of the sub
ject, where (*MARK:1) is en‐
countered, but there is no "B", so the "last mark seen" that is retu
rned is "1". In this case,
the optimizations do not affect the overall match result, which is s
till "no match", but they do
affect the auxiliary information that is returned.
When PCRE2_UTF is set, the validity of the pattern as a UTF stri ng is automatically checked. When PCRE2_UTF is set, the validity of the pattern as a UTF stri ng is automatically checked.
There are discussions about the validity of UTF-8 strings, UTF-16 st rings, and UTF-32 strings in There are discussions about the validity of UTF-8 strings, UTF-16 st rings, and UTF-32 strings in
the pcre2unicode document. If an invalid UTF sequence is found, pcre 2_compile() returns a nega‐ the pcre2unicode document. If an invalid UTF sequence is found, pcre 2_compile() returns a nega‐
tive error code. tive error code.
If you know that your pattern is a valid UTF string, and you want to skip this check for perfor‐ If you know that your pattern is a valid UTF string, and you want to skip this check for perfor‐
mance reasons, you can set the PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK option. When it i s set, the effect of passing mance reasons, you can set the PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK option. When it i s set, the effect of passing
skipping to change at line 1444 skipping to change at line 1547
This option has two effects. Firstly, it change the way PCRE2 proce sses \B, \b, \D, \d, \S, \s, This option has two effects. Firstly, it change the way PCRE2 proce sses \B, \b, \D, \d, \S, \s,
\W, \w, and some of the POSIX character classes. By default, only AS CII characters are recog‐ \W, \w, and some of the POSIX character classes. By default, only AS CII characters are recog‐
nized, but if PCRE2_UCP is set, Unicode properties are used to cl assify characters. There are nized, but if PCRE2_UCP is set, Unicode properties are used to cl assify characters. There are
some PCRE2_EXTRA options (see below) that add finer control to this behaviour. More details are some PCRE2_EXTRA options (see below) that add finer control to this behaviour. More details are
given in the section on generic character types in the pcre2pattern page. given in the section on generic character types in the pcre2pattern page.
The second effect of PCRE2_UCP is to force the use of Unicode prope rties for upper/lower casing The second effect of PCRE2_UCP is to force the use of Unicode prope rties for upper/lower casing
operations, even when PCRE2_UTF is not set. This makes it possible t o process strings in the operations, even when PCRE2_UTF is not set. This makes it possible t o process strings in the
16-bit UCS-2 code. This option is available only if PCRE2 has been c ompiled with Unicode support 16-bit UCS-2 code. This option is available only if PCRE2 has been c ompiled with Unicode support
(which is the default). The PCRE2_EXTRA_CASELESS_RESTRICT option (s (which is the default).
ee below) restricts caseless
matching such that ASCII characters match only ASCII characters an The PCRE2_EXTRA_CASELESS_RESTRICT option (see above) restricts casel
d non-ASCII characters match ess matching such that ASCII
only non-ASCII characters. characters match only ASCII characters and non-ASCII characters matc
h only non-ASCII characters.
The PCRE2_EXTRA_TURKISH_CASING option (see above) alters the match
ing of the 'i' characters to
follow their behaviour in Turkish and Azeri languages. For further d
etails on PCRE2_EXTRA_CASE‐
LESS_RESTRICT and PCRE2_EXTRA_TURKISH_CASING, see the pcre2unicode p
This option inverts the "greediness" of the quantifiers so that they This option inverts the "greediness" of the quantifiers so that the
are not greedy by default, y are not greedy by default,
but become greedy if followed by "?". It is not compatible with P but become greedy if followed by "?". It is not compatible with Perl
erl. It can also be set by a . It can also be set by a
(?U) option setting within the pattern. (?U) option setting within the pattern.
This option must be set for pcre2_compile() if pcre2_set_offset_limi t() is going to be used to This option must be set for pcre2_compile() if pcre2_set_offset_li mit() is going to be used to
set a non-default offset limit in a match context for matches that u se this pattern. An error is set a non-default offset limit in a match context for matches that u se this pattern. An error is
generated if an offset limit is set without this option. For more generated if an offset limit is set without this option. For more de
details, see the description tails, see the description
of pcre2_set_offset_limit() in the section that describes matc of pcre2_set_offset_limit() in the section that describes mat
h contexts. See also the ch contexts. See also the
PCRE2_FIRSTLINE option above. PCRE2_FIRSTLINE option above.
This option causes PCRE2 to regard both the pattern and the sub ject strings that are subse‐ This option causes PCRE2 to regard both the pattern and the subject strings that are subse‐
quently processed as strings of UTF characters instead of single-cod e-unit strings. It is avail‐ quently processed as strings of UTF characters instead of single-cod e-unit strings. It is avail‐
able when PCRE2 is built to include Unicode support (which is the de fault). If Unicode support able when PCRE2 is built to include Unicode support (which is the default). If Unicode support
is not available, the use of this option provokes an error. Details of how PCRE2_UTF changes the is not available, the use of this option provokes an error. Details of how PCRE2_UTF changes the
behaviour of PCRE2 are given in the pcre2unicode page. In particul ar, note that it changes the behaviour of PCRE2 are given in the pcre2unicode page. In particular , note that it changes the
way PCRE2_CASELESS works. way PCRE2_CASELESS works.
Extra compile options Extra compile options
The option bits that can be set in a compile context by calling the pcre2_set_compile_extra_op‐ The option bits that can be set in a compile context by calling the pcre2_set_compile_extra_op‐
tions() function are as follows: tions() function are as follows:
Since release 10.38 PCRE2 has forbidden the use of \K within look Since release 10.38 PCRE2 has forbidden the use of \K within lookar
around assertions, following ound assertions, following
Perl's lead. This option is provided to re-enable the previous b Perl's lead. This option is provided to re-enable the previou
ehaviour (act in positive s behaviour (act in positive
lookarounds, ignore in negative ones) in case anybody is relying on it. lookarounds, ignore in negative ones) in case anybody is relying on it.
This option applies when compiling a pattern in UTF-8 or UTF-32 mod This option applies when compiling a pattern in UTF-8 or UTF-32 mode
e. It is forbidden in UTF-16 . It is forbidden in UTF-16
mode, and ignored in non-UTF modes. Unicode "surrogate" code points mode, and ignored in non-UTF modes. Unicode "surrogate" code p
in the range 0xd800 to oints in the range 0xd800 to
0xdfff are used in pairs in UTF-16 to encode code points with va 0xdfff are used in pairs in UTF-16 to encode code points with values
lues in the range 0x10000 to in the range 0x10000 to
0x10ffff. The surrogates cannot therefore be represented in UTF-16. 0x10ffff. The surrogates cannot therefore be represented in UTF-16
They can be represented in . They can be represented in
UTF-8 and UTF-32, but are defined as invalid code points, and caus UTF-8 and UTF-32, but are defined as invalid code points, and cause
e errors if encountered in a errors if encountered in a
UTF-8 or UTF-32 string that is being checked for validity by PCRE2. UTF-8 or UTF-32 string that is being checked for validity by PCRE2.
These values also cause errors if encountered in escape sequences su ch as \x{d912} within a pat‐ These values also cause errors if encountered in escape sequences su ch as \x{d912} within a pat‐
tern. However, it seems that some applications, when using PCRE2 to tern. However, it seems that some applications, when using PCRE2 t
check for unwanted charac‐ o check for unwanted charac‐
ters in UTF-8 strings, explicitly test for the surrogates u ters in UTF-8 strings, explicitly test for the surrogates us
sing escape sequences. The ing escape sequences. The
PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK option does not disable the error that occurs, be cause it applies only to the PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK option does not disable the error that occurs, be cause it applies only to the
testing of input strings for UTF validity. testing of input strings for UTF validity.
If the extra option PCRE2_EXTRA_ALLOW_SURROGATE_ESCAPES is set, surr ogate code point values in If the extra option PCRE2_EXTRA_ALLOW_SURROGATE_ESCAPES is set, su rrogate code point values in
UTF-8 and UTF-32 patterns no longer provoke errors and are incorpora ted in the compiled pattern. UTF-8 and UTF-32 patterns no longer provoke errors and are incorpora ted in the compiled pattern.
However, they can only match subject characters if the matc hing function is called with However, they can only match subject characters if the matching function is called with
The original option PCRE2_ALT_BSUX causes PCRE2 to process \U, \u, a The original option PCRE2_ALT_BSUX causes PCRE2 to process \U, \u
nd \x in the way that EC‐ , and \x in the way that EC‐
MAscript (aka JavaScript) does. Additional functionality was defi MAscript (aka JavaScript) does. Additional functionality was defined
ned by ECMAscript 6; setting by ECMAscript 6; setting
PCRE2_EXTRA_ALT_BSUX has the effect of PCRE2_ALT_BSUX, but in additi PCRE2_EXTRA_ALT_BSUX has the effect of PCRE2_ALT_BSUX, but in addi
on it recognizes \u{hhh..} tion it recognizes \u{hhh..}
as a hexadecimal character code, where hhh.. is any number of hexade cimal digits. as a hexadecimal character code, where hhh.. is any number of hexade cimal digits.
This option forces \d to match only ASCII digits, even when PCRE2_UC P is set. It can be changed This option forces \d to match only ASCII digits, even when PCRE2_UC P is set. It can be changed
within a pattern by means of the (?aD) option setting. within a pattern by means of the (?aD) option setting.
This option forces \s to match only ASCII space characters, even w hen PCRE2_UCP is set. It can This option forces \s to match only ASCII space characters, even whe n PCRE2_UCP is set. It can
be changed within a pattern by means of the (?aS) option setting. be changed within a pattern by means of the (?aS) option setting.
This option forces \w to match only ASCII word characters, even when PCRE2_UCP is set. It can be This option forces \w to match only ASCII word characters, even when PCRE2_UCP is set. It can be
changed within a pattern by means of the (?aW) option setting. changed within a pattern by means of the (?aW) option setting.
This option forces the POSIX character classes [:digit:] and [:xdigi t:] to match only ASCII dig‐ This option forces the POSIX character classes [:digit:] and [:xdigi t:] to match only ASCII dig‐
its, even when PCRE2_UCP is set. It can be changed within a pattern by means of the (?aT) option its, even when PCRE2_UCP is set. It can be changed within a pattern by means of the (?aT) option
setting. setting.
This option forces all the POSIX character classes, including [:digi t:] and [:xdigit:], to match This option forces all the POSIX character classes, including [:digi t:] and [:xdigit:], to match
only ASCII characters, even when PCRE2_UCP is set. It can be changed only ASCII characters, even when PCRE2_UCP is set. It can be chang
within a pattern by means ed within a pattern by means
of the (?aP) option setting, but note that this also sets PCRE2_E of the (?aP) option setting, but note that this also sets PCRE2_EXTR
XTRA_ASCII_DIGIT in order to A_ASCII_DIGIT in order to
ensure that (?-aP) unsets all ASCII restrictions for POSIX classes. ensure that (?-aP) unsets all ASCII restrictions for POSIX classes.
This is a dangerous option. Use with care. By default, an unrecogniz This is a dangerous option. Use with care. By default, an unrecog
ed escape such as \j or a nized escape such as \j or a
malformed one such as \x{2z} causes a compile-time error when detec malformed one such as \x{2z} causes a compile-time error when detect
ted by pcre2_compile(). Perl ed by pcre2_compile(). Perl
is somewhat inconsistent in handling such items: for example, \j is is somewhat inconsistent in handling such items: for example, \j
treated as a literal "j", is treated as a literal "j",
and non-hexadecimal digits in \x{} are just ignored, though warning and non-hexadecimal digits in \x{} are just ignored, though warnings
s are given in both cases if are given in both cases if
Perl's warning switch is enabled. However, a malformed octal number Perl's warning switch is enabled. However, a malformed octal numbe
after \o{ always causes an r after \o{ always causes an
error in Perl. error in Perl.
If the PCRE2_EXTRA_BAD_ESCAPE_IS_LITERAL extra option is passed to p cre2_compile(), all unrecog‐ If the PCRE2_EXTRA_BAD_ESCAPE_IS_LITERAL extra option is passed to p cre2_compile(), all unrecog‐
nized or malformed escape sequences are treated as single-character nized or malformed escape sequences are treated as single-character
escapes. For example, \j is escapes. For example, \j is
a literal "j" and \x{2z} is treated as the literal string "x{2z}". a literal "j" and \x{2z} is treated as the literal string "x{2z}
Setting this option means ". Setting this option means
that typos in patterns may go undetected and have unexpected result that typos in patterns may go undetected and have unexpected results
s. Also note that a sequence . Also note that a sequence
such as [\N{] is interpreted as a malformed attempt at [\N{...}] an such as [\N{] is interpreted as a malformed attempt at [\N{...
d so is treated as [N{] }] and so is treated as [N{]
whereas [\N] gives an error because an unqualified \N is a valid esc ape sequence but is not sup‐ whereas [\N] gives an error because an unqualified \N is a valid esc ape sequence but is not sup‐
ported in a character class. To reiterate: this is a dangerous optio n. Use with great care. ported in a character class. To reiterate: this is a dangerous optio n. Use with great care.
When either PCRE2_UCP or PCRE2_UTF is set, caseless matching follow s Unicode rules, which allow When either PCRE2_UCP or PCRE2_UTF is set, caseless matching follows Unicode rules, which allow
for more than two cases per character. There are two case-equivalent character sets that contain for more than two cases per character. There are two case-equivalent character sets that contain
both ASCII and non-ASCII characters. The ASCII letter S is case-equi valent to U+017f (long S) both ASCII and non-ASCII characters. The ASCII letter S is case-e quivalent to U+017f (long S)
and the ASCII letter K is case-equivalent to U+212a (Kelvin sign). T his option disables recogni‐ and the ASCII letter K is case-equivalent to U+212a (Kelvin sign). T his option disables recogni‐
tion of case-equivalences that cross the ASCII/non-ASCII boundar tion of case-equivalences that cross the ASCII/non-ASCII boundary. I
y. In a caseless match, both n a caseless match, both
characters must either be ASCII or non-ASCII. The option can be chan characters must either be ASCII or non-ASCII. The option can be cha
ged with a pattern by the nged within a pattern by the
(?r) option setting. (*CASELESS_RESTRICT) or (?r) option settings.
There are some legacy applications where the escape sequence \r There are some legacy applications where the escape sequence \r in
in a pattern is expected to a pattern is expected to
match a newline. If this option is set, \r in a pattern is converted match a newline. If this option is set, \r in a pattern is converte
to \n so that it matches a d to \n so that it matches a
LF (linefeed) instead of a CR (carriage return) character. The opti LF (linefeed) instead of a CR (carriage return) character. The optio
on does not affect a literal n does not affect a literal
CR in the pattern, nor does it affect CR specified as an explicit co de point such as \x{0D}. CR in the pattern, nor does it affect CR specified as an explicit co de point such as \x{0D}.
This option is provided for use by the -x option of pcre2grep. It ca This option is provided for use by the -x option of pcre2grep. I
uses the pattern only to t causes the pattern only to
match complete lines. This is achieved by automatically insertin match complete lines. This is achieved by automatically inserting th
g the code for "^(?:" at the e code for "^(?:" at the
start of the compiled pattern and ")$" at the end. Thus, when PC start of the compiled pattern and ")$" at the end. Thus, when
RE2_MULTILINE is set, the PCRE2_MULTILINE is set, the
matched line may be in the middle of the subject string. This option can be used with PCRE2_LIT‐ matched line may be in the middle of the subject string. This option can be used with PCRE2_LIT‐
This option is provided for use by the -w option of pcre2grep. I This option is provided for use by the -w option of pcre2grep. It ca
t causes the pattern only to uses the pattern only to
match strings that have a word boundary at the start and the end. Th match strings that have a word boundary at the start and the end. T
is is achieved by automati‐ his is achieved by automati‐
cally inserting the code for "\b(?:" at the start of the compiled p cally inserting the code for "\b(?:" at the start of the compiled pa
attern and ")\b" at the end. ttern and ")\b" at the end.
The option may be used with PCRE2_LITERAL. However, it is ignored if The option may be used with PCRE2_LITERAL. However, it is ignored
also set. also set.
If this option is set (note that its final character is the digit 0)
it locks out the use of the
sequence \0 unless at least one more octal digit follows.
If this option is set, PCRE2 follows Python's rules for interpreting
octal escape sequences. The
rules for handling sequences such as \14, which could be an octal nu
mber or a back reference are
different. Details are given in the pcre2pattern documentation.
If this option is set, PCRE2 treats callouts in the pattern as
a syntax error, returning
PCRE2_ERROR_CALLOUT_CALLER_DISABLED. This is useful if the applicati
on knows that a callout will
not be provided to pcre2_match(), so that callouts in the pattern ar
e not silently ignored.
This option alters case-equivalence of the 'i' letters to follow
the alphabet used by Turkish
and Azeri languages. The option can be changed within a pattern by t
he (*TURKISH_CASING) start-
of-pattern setting. Either the UTF or UCP options must be set. In th
e 8-bit library, UTF must be
set. This option cannot be combined with PCRE2_EXTRA_CASELESS_RESTRI
int pcre2_jit_compile(pcre2_code *code, uint32_t options); int pcre2_jit_compile(pcre2_code *code, uint32_t options);
int pcre2_jit_match(const pcre2_code *code, PCRE2_SPTR subject, int pcre2_jit_match(const pcre2_code *code, PCRE2_SPTR subject,
PCRE2_SIZE length, PCRE2_SIZE startoffset, PCRE2_SIZE length, PCRE2_SIZE startoffset,
uint32_t options, pcre2_match_data *match_data, uint32_t options, pcre2_match_data *match_data,
pcre2_match_context *mcontext); pcre2_match_context *mcontext);
void pcre2_jit_free_unused_memory(pcre2_general_context *gcontext); void pcre2_jit_free_unused_memory(pcre2_general_context *gcontext);
skipping to change at line 1752 skipping to change at line 1883
When .* is the first significant item, anchoring is possible only wh en all the following are When .* is the first significant item, anchoring is possible only wh en all the following are
true: true:
.* is not in an atomic group .* is not in an atomic group
.* is not in a capture group that is the subject .* is not in a capture group that is the subject
of a backreference of a backreference
PCRE2_DOTALL is in force for .* PCRE2_DOTALL is in force for .*
Neither (*PRUNE) nor (*SKIP) appears in the pattern Neither (*PRUNE) nor (*SKIP) appears in the pattern
Dotstar anchoring has not been disabled with PCRE2_DOTSTAR_ANCHOR_ OFF
For patterns that are auto-anchored, the PCRE2_ANCHORED bit is set in the options returned for For patterns that are auto-anchored, the PCRE2_ANCHORED bit is set in the options returned for
Return the number of the highest backreference in the pattern. The t hird argument should point Return the number of the highest backreference in the pattern. The t hird argument should point
to a uint32_t variable. Named capture groups acquire numbers as we ll as names, and these count to a uint32_t variable. Named capture groups acquire numbers as we ll as names, and these count
towards the highest backreference. Backreferences such as \4 or \g{1 2} match the captured char‐ towards the highest backreference. Backreferences such as \4 or \g{1 2} match the captured char‐
acters of the given group, but in addition, the check that a capt ure group is set in a condi‐ acters of the given group, but in addition, the check that a capt ure group is set in a condi‐
skipping to change at line 2805 skipping to change at line 2937
If the function is not successful, the value set via outlengthptr d epends on the type of error. If the function is not successful, the value set via outlengthptr d epends on the type of error.
For syntax errors in the replacement string, the value is the offset in the replacement string For syntax errors in the replacement string, the value is the offset in the replacement string
where the error was detected. For other errors, the value is PCRE 2_UNSET by default. This in‐ where the error was detected. For other errors, the value is PCRE 2_UNSET by default. This in‐
cludes the case of the output buffer being too small, unless PCRE2_S UBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH is cludes the case of the output buffer being too small, unless PCRE2_S UBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH is
set. set.
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH changes what happens when the outpu t buffer is too small. The PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH changes what happens when the outpu t buffer is too small. The
default action is to return PCRE2_ERROR_NOMEMORY immediately. If this option is set, however, default action is to return PCRE2_ERROR_NOMEMORY immediately. If this option is set, however,
pcre2_substitute() continues to go through the motions of matching a nd substituting (without, of pcre2_substitute() continues to go through the motions of matching a nd substituting (without, of
course, writing anything) in order to compute the size of buffer tha course, writing anything) in order to compute the size of buffer tha
t is needed. This value is t is needed, which will in‐
passed back via the outlengthptr variable, with the result of the fu clude the extra space for the terminating NUL. This value is pass
nction still being PCRE2_ER‐ ed back via the outlengthptr
ROR_NOMEMORY. variable, with the result of the function still being PCRE2_ERROR_NO
Passing a buffer size of zero is a permitted way of finding out h Passing a buffer size of zero is a permitted way of finding out how
ow much memory is needed for much memory is needed for
given substitution. However, this does mean that the entire operatio given substitution. However, this does mean that the entire operati
n is carried out twice. De‐ on is carried out twice. De‐
pending on the application, it may be more efficient to allocate a l arge buffer and free the ex‐ pending on the application, it may be more efficient to allocate a l arge buffer and free the ex‐
cess afterwards, instead of using PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH. cess afterwards, instead of using PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH.
The replacement string, which is interpreted as a UTF string in UTF mode, is checked for UTF va‐ The replacement string, which is interpreted as a UTF string in UTF mode, is checked for UTF va‐
lidity unless PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK is set. An invalid UTF replacemen t string causes an immediate lidity unless PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK is set. An invalid UTF replacement string causes an immediate
return with the relevant UTF error code. return with the relevant UTF error code.
If PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_LITERAL is set, the replacement string is not in terpreted in any way. By de‐ If PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_LITERAL is set, the replacement string is not in terpreted in any way. By de‐
fault, however, a dollar character is an escape character that can fault, however, a dollar character is an escape character that
specify the insertion of can specify the insertion of
characters from capture groups and names from (*MARK) or other c characters from capture groups and names from (*MARK) or other contr
ontrol verbs in the pattern. ol verbs in the pattern.
Dollar is the only escape character (backslash is treated as literal Dollar is the only escape character (backslash is treated as liter
). The following forms are al). The following forms are
always recognized: recognized:
$$ insert a dollar character $$ insert a dollar character
$<n> or ${<n>} insert the contents of group <n> $n or ${n} insert the contents of group n
$0 or $& insert the entire matched substring
$` insert the substring that precedes the match
$' insert the substring that follows the match
$_ insert the entire input string
$*MARK or ${*MARK} insert a control verb name $*MARK or ${*MARK} insert a control verb name
Either a group number or a group name can be given for <n>. Curly b Either a group number or a group name can be given for n, for exampl
rackets are required only if e $2 or $NAME. Curly brack‐
the following character would be interpreted as part of the number o ets are required only if the following character would be interpre
r name. The number may be ted as part of the number or
zero to include the entire matched string. For example, if the p name. The number may be zero to include the entire matched string. F
attern a(b)c is matched with or example, if the pattern
"=abc=" and the replacement string "+$1$0$1+", the result is "=+babc a(b)c is matched with "=abc=" and the replacement string "+$1$0$1+",
b+=". the result is "=+babcb+=".
The JavaScript form $<name>, where the angle brackets are part of th
e syntax, is also recognized
for group names, but not for group numbers or *MARK.
$*MARK inserts the name from the last encountered backtracking contr ol verb on the matching path $*MARK inserts the name from the last encountered backtracking contr ol verb on the matching path
that has a name. (*MARK) must always include a name, but the other v erbs need not. For example, that has a name. (*MARK) must always include a name, but the other verbs need not. For example,
in the case of (*MARK:A)(*PRUNE) the name inserted is "A", but for ( *MARK:A)(*PRUNE:B) the rele‐ in the case of (*MARK:A)(*PRUNE) the name inserted is "A", but for ( *MARK:A)(*PRUNE:B) the rele‐
vant name is "B". This facility can be used to perform simple si multaneous substitutions, as vant name is "B". This facility can be used to perform simple simu ltaneous substitutions, as
this pcre2test example shows: this pcre2test example shows:
/(*MARK:pear)apple|(*MARK:orange)lemon/g,replace=${*MARK} /(*MARK:pear)apple|(*MARK:orange)lemon/g,replace=${*MARK}
apple lemon apple lemon
2: pear orange 2: pear orange
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL causes the function to iterate over the subj PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL causes the function to iterate over the sub
ect string, replacing every ject string, replacing every
matching substring. If this option is not set, only the first mat matching substring. If this option is not set, only the first matchi
ching substring is replaced. ng substring is replaced.
The search for matches takes place in the original subject string (t The search for matches takes place in the original subject string
hat is, previous replace‐ (that is, previous replace‐
ments do not affect it). Iteration is implemented by advancing th ments do not affect it). Iteration is implemented by advancing the
e startoffset value for each startoffset value for each
search, which is always passed the entire subject string. If an offs et limit is set in the match search, which is always passed the entire subject string. If an offs et limit is set in the match
context, searching stops when that limit is reached. context, searching stops when that limit is reached.
You can restrict the effect of a global substitution to a portion of the subject string by set‐ You can restrict the effect of a global substitution to a portion o f the subject string by set‐
ting either or both of startoffset and an offset limit. Here is a pc re2test example: ting either or both of startoffset and an offset limit. Here is a pc re2test example:
/B/g,replace=!,use_offset_limit /B/g,replace=!,use_offset_limit
ABC ABC ABC ABC\=offset=3,offset_limit=12 ABC ABC ABC ABC\=offset=3,offset_limit=12
When continuing with global substitutions after matching a substr ing with zero length, an at‐ When continuing with global substitutions after matching a substring with zero length, an at‐
tempt to find a non-empty match at the same offset is performed. If this is not successful, the tempt to find a non-empty match at the same offset is performed. If this is not successful, the
offset is advanced by one character except when CRLF is a valid newl ine sequence and the next offset is advanced by one character except when CRLF is a valid n ewline sequence and the next
two characters are CR, LF. In this case, the offset is advanced by t wo characters. two characters are CR, LF. In this case, the offset is advanced by t wo characters.
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNKNOWN_UNSET causes references to capture grou PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNKNOWN_UNSET causes references to capture groups t
ps that do not appear in the hat do not appear in the
pattern to be treated as unset groups. This option should be used wi pattern to be treated as unset groups. This option should be used
th care, because it means with care, because it means
that a typo in a group name or number no longer causes the PCRE2_ERR OR_NOSUBSTRING error. that a typo in a group name or number no longer causes the PCRE2_ERR OR_NOSUBSTRING error.
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNSET_EMPTY causes unset capture groups (incl uding unknown groups when PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNSET_EMPTY causes unset capture groups (inclu ding unknown groups when
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNKNOWN_UNSET is set) to be treated as empty string s when inserted as described PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNKNOWN_UNSET is set) to be treated as empty string s when inserted as described
above. If this option is not set, an attempt to insert an unset grou p causes the PCRE2_ERROR_UN‐ above. If this option is not set, an attempt to insert an unset grou p causes the PCRE2_ERROR_UN‐
SET error. This option does not influence the extended substitution syntax described below. SET error. This option does not influence the extended substitution syntax described below.
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_EXTENDED causes extra processing to be applied to t he replacement string. With‐ PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_EXTENDED causes extra processing to be applied to t he replacement string. With‐
out this option, only the dollar character is special, and only the group insertion forms listed out this option, only the dollar character is special, and only the group insertion forms listed
above are valid. When PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_EXTENDED is set, two things c hange: above are valid. When PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_EXTENDED is set, several thin gs change:
Firstly, backslash in a replacement string is interpreted as an es Firstly, backslash in a replacement string is interpreted as an
cape character. The usual escape character. The usual
forms such as \n or \x{ddd} can be used to specify particular ch forms such as \x{ddd} can be used to specify particular character co
aracter codes, and backslash des, and backslash followed
followed by any non-alphanumeric character quotes that character. Ex by any non-alphanumeric character quotes that character. Extende
tended quoting can be coded d quoting can be coded using
using \Q...\E, exactly as in pattern strings. \Q...\E, exactly as in pattern strings. The escapes \b and \v are in
terpreted as the characters
There are also four escape sequences for forcing the case of inse backspace and vertical tab, respectively.
rted letters. The insertion
mechanism has three states: no case forcing, force upper case, and f The interpretation of backslash followed by one or more digits
orce lower case. The escape is the same as in a pattern,
sequences change the current state: \U and \L change to upper or which in Perl has some ambiguities. Details are given in the pcre2pa
lower case forcing, respec‐ ttern page.
tively, and \E (when not terminating a \Q quoted sequence) reverts t
o no case forcing. The se‐ The Python form \g<n>, where the angle brackets are part of the synt
quences \u and \l force the next character (if it is a letter) to ax and n is either a group
upper or lower case, respec‐ name or number, is recognized as an altertive way of inserting the
tively, and then the state automatically reverts to no case forcing. contents of a group, for ex‐
Case forcing applies to all ample \g<3>.
inserted characters, including those from capture groups and letters
within \Q...\E quoted se‐ There are also four escape sequences for forcing the case of inserte
quences. If either PCRE2_UTF or PCRE2_UCP was set when the pattern w d letters. Case forcing ap‐
as compiled, Unicode proper‐ plies to all inserted characters, including those from capture group
ties are used for case forcing characters whose code points are grea s and letters within \Q...\E
ter than 127. quoted sequences. The insertion mechanism has three states: no case
forcing, force upper case,
and force lower case. The escape sequences change the current stat
e: \U and \L change to upper
or lower case forcing, respectively, and \E (when not terminating a
\Q quoted sequence) reverts
to no case forcing. The sequences \u and \l force the next characte
r (if it is a letter) to up‐
per or lower case, respectively, and then the state automatically re
verts to no case forcing.
However, if \u is immediately followed by \L or \l is immediately fo
llowed by \U, the next char‐
acter's case is forced by the first escape sequence, and subsequent
characters by the second.
This provides a "title casing" facility that can be applied to gro
up captures. For example, if
group 1 has captured "heLLo", the replacement string "\u\L$1" become
s "Hello".
If either PCRE2_UTF or PCRE2_UCP was set when the pattern was compil
ed, Unicode properties are
used for case forcing characters whose code points are greater th
an 127. However, only simple
case folding, as determined by the Unicode file CaseFolding.txt is
supported. PCRE2 does not
support language-specific special casing rules such as using diffe
rent lower case Greek sigmas
in the middle and ends of words (as defined in the Unicode file Spec
Note that case forcing sequences such as \U...\E do not nest. For Note that case forcing sequences such as \U...\E do not nest. For ex
example, the result of pro‐ ample, the result of pro‐
cessing "\Uaa\LBB\Ecc\E" is "AAbbcc"; the final \E has no ef cessing "\Uaa\LBB\Ecc\E" is "AAbbcc"; the final \E has no e
fect. Note also that the ffect. Note also that the
PCRE2_ALT_BSUX and PCRE2_EXTRA_ALT_BSUX options do not apply to repl acement strings. PCRE2_ALT_BSUX and PCRE2_EXTRA_ALT_BSUX options do not apply to repl acement strings.
The second effect of setting PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_EXTENDED is to add more flexibility to capture The final effect of setting PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_EXTENDED is to add mo re flexibility to capture
group substitution. The syntax is similar to that used by Bash: group substitution. The syntax is similar to that used by Bash:
${<n>:-<string>} ${n:-string}
${<n>:+<string1>:<string2>} ${n:+string1:string2}
As before, <n> may be a group number or a name. The first form speci As in the simple case, n may be a group number or a name. The fi
fies a default value. If rst form specifies a default
group <n> is set, its value is inserted; if not, <string> is expan value. If group n is set, its value is inserted; if not, the string
ded and the result inserted. is expanded and the result
The second form specifies strings that are expanded and inserted whe inserted. The second form specifies strings that are expanded and
n group <n> is set or unset, inserted when group n is set
respectively. The first form is just a convenient shorthand for or unset, respectively. The first form is just a convenient shorthan
d for
${<n>:+${<n>}:<string>} ${n:+${n}:string}
Backslash can be used to escape colons and closing curly brackets in the replacement strings. A Backslash can be used to escape colons and closing curly brackets in the replacement strings. A
change of the case forcing state within a replacement string rem ains in force afterwards, as change of the case forcing state within a replacement string rem ains in force afterwards, as
shown in this pcre2test example: shown in this pcre2test example:
/(some)?(body)/substitute_extended,replace=${1:+\U:\L}HeLLo /(some)?(body)/substitute_extended,replace=${1:+\U:\L}HeLLo
body body
1: hello 1: hello
somebody somebody
skipping to change at line 2963 skipping to change at line 3119
Substitution callouts Substitution callouts
int pcre2_set_substitute_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext, int pcre2_set_substitute_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
int (*callout_function)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *), int (*callout_function)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *),
void *callout_data); void *callout_data);
The pcre2_set_substitution_callout() function can be used to specif y a callout function for The pcre2_set_substitution_callout() function can be used to specif y a callout function for
pcre2_substitute(). This information is passed in a match cont ext. The callout function is pcre2_substitute(). This information is passed in a match cont ext. The callout function is
called after each substitution has been processed, but it can cause the replacement not to hap‐ called after each substitution has been processed, but it can cause the replacement not to hap‐
pen. The callout function is not called for simulated substitution pen.
s that happen as a result of
the PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH option. The callout function is not called for simulated substitutions th
at happen as a result of the
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH option. In this mode, when substitu
tion processing exceeds the
buffer space provided by the caller, processing continues by countin
g code units. The simulation
is unable to populate the callout block, and so the simulation is pe
ssimistic about the required
buffer size. Whichever is larger of accepted or rejected substit
ution is reported as the re‐
quired size. Therefore, the returned buffer length may be an overest
imate (without a substitu‐
tion callout, it is normally an exact measurement).
The first argument of the callout function is a pointer to a substit ute callout block structure, The first argument of the callout function is a pointer to a substit ute callout block structure,
which contains the following fields, not necessarily in this order: which contains the following fields, not necessarily in this order:
uint32_t version; uint32_t version;
uint32_t subscount; uint32_t subscount;
PCRE2_SPTR input; PCRE2_SPTR input;
PCRE2_SPTR output; PCRE2_SPTR output;
PCRE2_SIZE *ovector; PCRE2_SIZE *ovector;
uint32_t oveccount; uint32_t oveccount;
PCRE2_SIZE output_offsets[2]; PCRE2_SIZE output_offsets[2];
The version field contains the version number of the block format. T he current version is 0. The The version field contains the version number of the block format. T he current version is 0. The
version number will increase in future if more fields are added, but the intention is never to version number will increase in future if more fields are added, b ut the intention is never to
remove any of the existing fields. remove any of the existing fields.
The subscount field is the number of the current match. It is 1 for the first callout, 2 for the The subscount field is the number of the current match. It is 1 for the first callout, 2 for the
second, and so on. The input and output pointers are copies of the values passed to pcre2_sub‐ second, and so on. The input and output pointers are copies of the v alues passed to pcre2_sub‐
stitute(). stitute().
The ovector field points to the ovector, which contains the result o f the most recent match. The The ovector field points to the ovector, which contains the result o f the most recent match. The
oveccount field contains the number of pairs that are set in the ove ctor, and is always greater oveccount field contains the number of pairs that are set in the ov ector, and is always greater
than zero. than zero.
The output_offsets vector contains the offsets of the replacement in the output string. This has The output_offsets vector contains the offsets of the replacement in the output string. This has
already been processed for dollar and (if requested) backslash subst itutions as described above. already been processed for dollar and (if requested) backslash subst itutions as described above.
The second argument of the callout function is the value passed as callout_data when the func‐ The second argument of the callout function is the value passed as c allout_data when the func‐
tion was registered. The value returned by the callout function is i nterpreted as follows: tion was registered. The value returned by the callout function is i nterpreted as follows:
If the value is zero, the replacement is accepted, and, if PCRE2_SUB If the value is zero, the replacement is accepted, and, if PCRE2_SU
STITUTE_GLOBAL is set, pro‐ BSTITUTE_GLOBAL is set, pro‐
cessing continues with a search for the next match. If the value cessing continues with a search for the next match. If the value is
is not zero, the current re‐ not zero, the current re‐
placement is not accepted. If the value is greater than zero, placement is not accepted. If the value is greater than zer
processing continues when o, processing continues when
PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL is set. Otherwise (the value is less PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL is set. Otherwise (the value is less t
than zero or PCRE2_SUBSTI‐ han zero or PCRE2_SUBSTI‐
TUTE_GLOBAL is not set), the rest of the input is copied to the TUTE_GLOBAL is not set), the rest of the input is copied t
output and the call to o the output and the call to
pcre2_substitute() exits, returning the number of matches so far. pcre2_substitute() exits, returning the number of matches so far.
Substitution case callouts
int pcre2_set_substitute_case_callout(pcre2_match_context *mcontext,
PCRE2_SIZE (*callout_function)(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE,
int, void *),
void *callout_data);
The pcre2_set_substitution_case_callout() function can be used to sp
ecify a callout function for
pcre2_substitute() to use when performing case transformations. This
does not affect any case
insensitivity behaviour when performing a match, but only the user-
visible transformations per‐
formed when processing a substitution such as:
pcre2_substitute(..., "\\U$1", ...)
The default case transformations applied by PCRE2 are reasonably com
plete, and, in UTF or UCP
mode, perform the simple locale-invariant case transformations as s
pecified by Unicode. This is
suitable for the internal (invisible) case-equivalence procedures us
ed during pattern matching,
but an application may wish to use more sophisticated locale-aware p
rocessing for the user-visi‐
ble substitution transformations.
One example implementation of the callout_function using the ICU lib
rary would be:
PCRE2_SPTR input, PCRE2_SIZE input_len,
PCRE2_UCHAR *output, PCRE2_SIZE output_cap,
int to_case, void *data_ptr)
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t r = to_case == PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_CASE_LOWER
? u_strToLower(output, output_cap, input, input_len, NULL, &
? u_strToUpper(output, output_cap, input, input_len, NULL, &
: u_strToTitle(output, output_cap, input, input_len, &first_
NULL, &err);
if (U_FAILURE(err)) return (~(PCRE2_SIZE)0);
return r;
The first and second arguments of the case callout function are the
Unicode string to transform.
The third and fourth arguments are the output buffer and its capacit
The fifth is one of the constants PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_CASE_LOWER, PCR
are passed to the callout to indicate that the case of the entire c
allout input should be case-
transformed. PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_CASE_TITLE_FIRST is passed to indicate
that only the first charac‐
ter or glyph should be transformed to Unicode titlecase and the rest
to Unicode lowercase (note
that titlecasing sometimes uses Unicode properties to titlecase each
word in a string; but PCRE2
is requesting that only the single leading character is to be titlec
The sixth argument is the callout_data supplied to pcre2_set_substit
The resulting string in the destination buffer may be larger or sm
aller than the input, if the
casing rules merge or split characters. The return value is the leng
th required for the output
string. If a buffer of sufficient size was provided to the call
out, then the result must be
written to the buffer and the number of code units returned. If the
result does not fit in the
provided buffer, then the required capacity must be returned and PC
RE2 will not make use of the
output buffer. PCRE2 provides input and output buffers which overlap
, so the callout must sup‐
port this by suitable internal buffering.
Alternatively, if the callout wishes to indicate an error, then it
may return (~(PCRE2_SIZE)0).
In this case pcre2_substitute() will immediately fail with error PCR
When a case callout is combined with the PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_L
ENGTH option, there are sit‐
uations when pcre2_substitute() will return an underestimate of the
required buffer size. If you
call pcre2_substitute() once with PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH,
and the input buffer is too
small for the replacement string to be constructed, then instead
of calling the case callout,
pcre2_substitute() will make an estimate of the required buffer size
. The second call should
also pass PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH, because that second ca
ll is not guaranteed to suc‐
ceed either, if the case callout requires more buffer space than exp
ected. The caller must make
repeated attempts in a loop.
int pcre2_substring_nametable_scan(const pcre2_code *code, int pcre2_substring_nametable_scan(const pcre2_code *code,
PCRE2_SPTR name, PCRE2_SPTR *first, PCRE2_SPTR *last); PCRE2_SPTR name, PCRE2_SPTR *first, PCRE2_SPTR *last);
When a pattern is compiled with the PCRE2_DUPNAMES option, names fo r capture groups are not re‐ When a pattern is compiled with the PCRE2_DUPNAMES option, names fo r capture groups are not re‐
quired to be unique. Duplicate names are always allowed for groups w ith the same number, created quired to be unique. Duplicate names are always allowed for groups w ith the same number, created
by using the (?| feature. Indeed, if such groups are named, they are required to use the same by using the (?| feature. Indeed, if such groups are named, they are required to use the same
names. names.
skipping to change at line 3213 skipping to change at line 3450
pcre2sample(3), pcre2unicode(3). pcre2sample(3), pcre2unicode(3).
Philip Hazel Philip Hazel
Retired from University Computing Service Retired from University Computing Service
Cambridge, England. Cambridge, England.
Last updated: 24 April 2024 Last updated: 26 December 2024
Copyright (c) 1997-2024 University of Cambridge. Copyright (c) 1997-2024 University of Cambridge.
PCRE2 10.44 24 April 2024 PCRE2API(3) PCRE2 10.45-RC1 26 December 2024 PCRE2API(3)
 End of changes. 135 change blocks. 
526 lines changed or deleted 874 lines changed or added

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